GWG notes 8 May 2012

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GWG notes 8 May 2012

Note: new TCNs have been emailed to ask if they have anyone that would like to be a part of this working group.

  • Una Farrell (Paleoniches TCN) and Paul Farrell (SCAN TCN) are invited to join.

GWG working group members have wiki accounts to create content

The GWG list of projects to work on is being reviewed for scope and cost.

Train the Trainers (TTT) Workshop Planning.

  • Decision to train neophytes just after the Trainers workshop was modified for several reasons (like logistics of a new Trainer needing to be away for 7 + days to pull this off).
  • The current idea is have new Trainers train neophytes at various locations in the US. Working Group members (one or more) will attend these to observe / assist the new Trainers.
    • The neophyte trainings will be some days to weeks after the Trainers workshop.
  • Content of Workshop (not much discussion on this - probably will take the least work).
  • Trainers: discussing possible trainers.
    • Note anticipated issue: Getting enough trainees that can give a week-plus of their time to learn and then teach others.
  • Deb will contact all 7 TCNs to get an idea of the count (possible number of persons wanting this sort of training) - email sent 8 May 2012.
  • What are expectations for these Trainers? regarding carrying out training sessions in the future.

Big Issues for first TTT Where? Gainesville, Tallahassee, Tulane, NESCent ? When? Fall 2012 suggested. How many? 20-25 participants - from all over the US (depending on # of trainers and demand).

Dave Bloom shared a link to a prior Trainers workshop so we have a format to start from. see:

It was decided, at this time, to separate this next part of the workshop from the Train-the-trainers above. The current idea is to spread these out across the US (perhaps 3 locations). Those newly trained can host these at their workplace (at their TCN institution) and one or more of the original trainers can attend to observe / assist...including iDigBio staff.

We are actively seeking invitees from the TCN PI's.

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