Scientist Spotlight

E&O Spotlight: Meet Dr. Kellum Tate-Jones, founder of Refugium LLC

Through ecosystem-based models and storytelling, Dr. Tate-Jones aims to facilitate authentic human connection that promotes inclusivity and equity within the scientific community. She earned her doctorate in Earth Sciences from the University of Oregon, where she studied vertebrate paleontology with a focus on the evolution of seal sea lions and walruses. During this time, however, she came to realize that much of the way the field functioned seemed to be determined by systems of oppression rather than the science itself.

Scientist in the Spotlight: Diego Barroso

In our series, "Scientist in the Spotlight" we’ll sit down with the ADBC (Advancing Digitization of Biodiversity Collections) program's best and brightest to learn more about what makes them tick.  This month, we had a chance to speak with Diego Barroso. He works at the Botanical Research Institute of Texas as the project manager of the TORCH TCN.
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