Advancing the Catalogue of the World’s Natural History Collections

UK Strategy Workshop: Building a cross-region vision for regional and small UK collections

iDigBio is supporting UK efforts to foster across-region collaboration and discussions for development of a strategic plan and vision to digitize regional and small collections across the UK. Participants at these event are museum leaders and directors. We will share case studies of collaborative digitization and data mobilization and offer examples from potential key stakeholders while highlighting audience benefits.

Developing a Synthesis of Systematic Resources (SYNTHESYS)

contributors: Deborah Paul, Vince Smith, Laurence Livermore


From iDigBio, I’ve had the pleasure of being a member of the Synthesis of Sytematic Resources (SYNTHESYS) Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) to act as an external advisor on shared digital challenges between SYNTHESYS3 and iDigBio, to and to cross-promote activities between the two projects with other groups such as SPNHC. You might ask, what exactly is SYNTHESYS?


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