Envisioning a Biological Collections Action Center

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Series objective

With the recent passage of the CHIPS legislation (See HB 4346; Section 10355, Biological Research Collections) Congress authorized development of an Action Center for Biological Collections (ACBC) as recommended in the 2020 report of an ad hoc committee of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine: Biological Collections: Ensuring Critical Research and Education for the 21st Century (NASEM report). This series of webinars and workshops will be co-sponsored by iDigBio, SPNHC, NSCA, AIBS, NMNH, NYBG, LACM, and the Field Museum and will bring together collections leaders across the U.S. for the purpose of following up NSF’s investments in ADBC, NASEM, and BCoN and with the goal of producing an enhanced vision of a U.S. Action Center for Biological Collections.
We hope that by having a combination of virtual and in person events, all interested within the community will have an opportunity to participate and contribute in some way.

Webinar Series

Webinar 1: March 7, 2023
Webinar 2: March 14, 2023
Description: The first two webinars will feature the co-authors of the NASEM report, including Pam Soltis, Andy Bentley, Joe Cook, Scott Edwards, Talia Karim, Shirley Pomponi, and Barbara Thiers, sharing their personal visions for the Action Center.
Webinar 3: March 21, 2023
will feature Scott Miller, Kevin Hackett, and Diane DiEuliis from the Interagency Working Group on Scientific Collections (IWGSC), Jyotsna Pandey (AIBS), and Breda Zimkus (BCoN). We anticipate that the third webinar will be a response to the NASEM report presentations and include several presentations followed by discussion/Q&A. All webinars will be held from 1-2 p.m. Eastern. Webinars will be open to all and will be recorded. Recordings will be posted here following the event.
Webinars will be held via Zoom.
You can register for the series or individual webinars by clicking here.
