5th Annual Digital Data Conference, Florida Museum of Natural History

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Social Media

Twitter: #digidata, @idigbio
Shortened URL for sharing on social media, https://bit.ly/2Hx4Ogi

Conference Resources

Virtual Backgrounds

Conference Registration

For those who would like to support the sustainability of in-person Digital Data Conferences, registration fees are $100.00 for professionals and $50.00 for students. Those who do not wish to make a financial contribution to the conference may select the free option.

Registration will open February 1st. Visit Eventbrite to register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/5th-annual-digital-data-in-biodiversity-research-conference-tickets-114279218218.

Abstract Submissions

Options for submission include: discussion, oral, or poster presentations.

You must register to submit an abstract. The abstract submission link will be sent to you in your registration confirmation email.

Abstract submission deadline: 23 April 2021

The conference will be structured to allow live presentations among different time zones. We are requesting recording of presentations to be posted on this wiki to ensure their availability to any time zone.


All posters will be electronic and linked to this wiki page. We are requesting that poster presenters provide a recorded description with their poster presentation. We will be using Kumospace for a live Q&A session.

Oral Presentations

Each oral presentation will be presented live. Pre-recorded presentations are posted on the wiki page. In the live sessions, an additional 5 minutes will be given for questions.
It is best to open all links to pre-recorded presentations and posters in a new tab. The easiest way to do this is to hold COMMAND (Mac) or Control (Windows) while simultaneously clicking the link. Click here to view last year’s agenda for example presentations

Digital Data Presenter Guide - Updated 6/4/21
Moderator Tech Support Document - Updated 6/4/21

Discussion Sessions

Discussion sessions can be between 30 and 75 minutes. The structure should be determined by the panelists. These may begin with a presentation or introduction followed by discussion or may be completely devoted to open discussion. No prerecording is required.

Conference Abstracts

Zoom Information

  • Make sure you have upgraded your Zoom client.
  • We suggest the desktop client or mobile app, which use less bandwidth than Zoom in your browser. See Zoom help for more: https://bit.ly/2RM0rzQ.
  • Please use the Zoom Q&A feature if you have questions for the presenters. The chat function will only be used for discussion.
  • When joining a session from the wiki, a quick “registration” will let you into the session. Please just “register” for the Zoom webinar sessions that you’re interested in attending.
  • After you submit your information (in an effort to reduce bot/Zoombomber discovery), you’ll be taken directly to the webinar.
  • You will not need to switch “rooms” if you’re hoping to join presentations in the same session (e.g. Concurrent Session 6), but you’ll need to switch to a different Zoom “room” if you want to jump from Concurrent Session 1 over to Concurrent Session 2.


We will use a website platform called Kumospace for coffee breaks and the meet & greet. Kumospace is similar to Zoom, but more casual and fun (there’s a rooftop pool).
Location: a link to our Kumospace room will be provided via email and during the conference. In the meantime please check out kumospace.com and take a look around to become a little familiar with it.

Conference Agenda

Monday, 7 June 2021

Day One - Block One
9:00AM - 12:00PM EDT / 13:00 - 16:00 UTC (see your local time here)
Plenary Session
Time Room 1
Plenary Session Recording
9:00 - 9:30 Welcome - Doug Jones, Director, Florida Museum of Natural History
Conference framing - Gil Nelson, Director, iDigBio
Conference logistics - Jill Goodwin, Conference Manager, iDigBio
9:30 - 10:00 Label your data with this one weird trick: Methods for addressing the digital data labeling bottleneck
Alina Zare, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of Florida
10:00 - 10:30 Data to decisions: How WRBU provides data on global vector threats to inform public health decision making
David Pecor, Museum Specialist, Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit
10:30 - 11:00 Break - Kumospace
Concurrent Sessions
Time Room 1
Click Here to Join Zoom for Day 1 , Room 1
Room 2
Click Here to Join Zoom for Day 1, Room 2
Room 3
Click Here to Join Zoom for Day 1, Room 3
11:00 - 11:15 Concurrent Session 1
Digital human-nature interactions: Trends of popularity and seasonal interest in plants
Reut Vardi, Ben-Gurion University; Uri Roll, Ben-Gurion University
Pre-recorded presentation
Concurrent Session 2
Identifying and clustering similar occurrences across collections using GBIF tools
Joe Miller, GBIF; Nicky Nicolson, RBG Kew; Tim Robertson, GBIF
Live recorded presentation
Concurrent Session 3
Counting collections in: Towards quantifying collections’ contributions for national bio-economic accounting and the United Nations post-2020 biodiversity monitoring
Jutta Buschbom, Statistical Genetics; Alina Freire-Fierro, Universidad Regional Amazonica Ikiam; Elizabeth R. Ellwood, iDigBio, Florida Museum of Natural History; Usman Atique, Chungnam National University; Austin Mast, iDigBio, Florida State University
Pre-recorded presentation
11:15 - 11:30 Concurrent Session 1
Using herbarium specimen data to further understand the species of Pavonia Cav. in the FSA region
Ashton Welcome, South African National Biodiversity Institute; Janine Victor, South African National Biodiversity Institute
Pre-recorded presentation
Concurrent Session 2
Individual-level trait-bases for small mammal phenology research
Bryan McLean, University of North Carolina Greensboro; Robert Guralnick, Florida Museum of Natural History
Live recorded presentation
Concurrent Session 3
The Biodiversity Collections Network: What is next for extended specimens
John Bates, The Field Museum; Jyotsna Pandey, Natural Science Collections Alliance
Pre-recorded presentation
11:30 - 11:45 Concurrent Session 1
A comparison of herbarium and citizen science phenology datasets for detecting response of flowering time to climate change in Denmark
Natalie Iwanycki Ahlstrand, Natural History Museum of Denmark; Richard B. Primack, Boston University; Anders P. Tøttrup, Natural History Museum of Denmark
Live recorded presentation
Concurrent Session 2
Assessing organismal color pattern variation using museum collections, computer vision modeling, and web-based community science images
Maggie Hantak, Florida Museum of Natural History; Robert Guralnick, Florida Museum of Natural History; Brian Stucky, University of Florida; David Blackburn, Florida Museum of Natural History
Precorded presentation
Concurrent Session 3
Material citations: A powerful aide to connect biodiversity data
Donat Agosti, Plazi; Marcus Guidoti, Plazi
Live recorded presentation
11:45 - 12:00 Concurrent Session 1
Biodiversity data management from field collection to integration
Sara Hansen, Central Michigan University; Blake Cahill, Central Michigan University; Rachel Hackett, Michigan Natural Features Inventory; Michael Monfils, Michigan Natural Features Inventory; Anna Monfils, Central Michigan University
Pre-recorded presentation
Concurrent Session 2
BELS Global Gazetteer of Georeferences
Paula Zermoglio, VertNet; Julie Allen, University of Nevada, Reno; Raphael LaFrance, Florida Museum of Natural History; Robert Guralnick, Florida Museum of Natural History; John Wieczorek, VertNet
Pre-recorded presentation
Day One - Block Two
1:00PM - 4:00PM EDT / 17:00 - 20:00 UTC (see your local time here)
Discussion Sessions
Time Room 1
Click Here to Join Zoom for Day 1 , Room 1
1:00 - 2:00 Discussion Session 1
Digital collections for all: Creating inclusive educational resources with digital natural history collections
Molly Phillips, Florida Museum of Natural History, iDigBio; Adania Flemming, Florida Museum of Natural History, iDigBio; Alnycea Blackwell, Florida Museum of Natural History, iDigBio; Elizabeth Ellwood, Florida Museum of Natural History, iDigBio; David Blackburn, Florida Museum of Natural History, iDigBio
Live Recording of Discussion Session
2:00 - 2:30 Break - Kumospace
2:30 - 3:45 Discussion Session 2
Digital imagery for natural history knowledge
Allen Collins, National Systematics Lab of NOAA Fisheries & Invertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History; Stewart Edie, Paleobiology, NMNH; Freya Goetz, Invertebrate Zoology, NMNH; Tim Rose, Mineral Sciences, NMNH; Mike Vecchione, National Systematics Lab of NOAA Fisheries & Invertebrate Zoology, NMNH; Cari Corrigan, Mineral Sciences, NMNH
Live Recording of Discussion Session
Day One - Block Three
4:30PM - 6:30PM EDT / 20:30 - 22:30 UTC (see your local time here)
Behind the Scenes Tours of Florida Museum of Natural History Collections
Time Room 1
4:30 - 5:00 Live 2D & 3D Imaging Tour Ed Stanley, Associate Scientist & Zach Randall, Ichthyology Biological scientist & imaging lab manager
If you cannot join live, check out the Self-guided tour
5:00 - 5:30 Live Vertebrate Paleontology Collection Tour Jon Bloch, Curator & Richard Hulbert, Collections Manager
If you cannot view live, check out the Self-guided tour
Live Recording of Vertebrate Paleontology Tour
5:30 - 6:00 Live Herpetology Collection Tour Ed Stanley, Associate Scientist
If you cannot join live, check out the Self-guided tour

Live Recording of Herpetology & Mammalogy Tours

6:00 - 6:30 Live Mammalogy Collection Tour Verity Mathis, Collections Manager
If you cannot join live, check out the Self-guided tour
Live Recording of Herpetology & Mammalogy Tours
6:30 - 7:00 Kumospace Mingle for additional Q&A and Socializing

Tuesday, 8 June 2021

Day Two - Block One
9:00AM - 12:00PM EDT / 13:00 - 16:00 UTC (see your local time here)
Discussion Sessions
Time Room 1
Click Here to Join Zoom for Day 2, Room 1
9:00 - 10:00 Discussion Session 3
Untapped Potential of Digital Resources in Zoo Collections
Sinlan Poo, Memphis Zoo; Steven Whitfield, Zoo Miami; Gregory Watkins-Colwell, Yale Peabody Museum; Alex Shepack, University of Notre Dame; Jennifer D’Agostino, Oklahoma City Zoo
10:00 - 10:30 Break - Kumospace
10:30 - 11:15 Discussion Session 4
Building a taxonomic framework for biological collections digitization: Challenges and opportunities for digital data delivery and use
Teresa Mayfield-Meyer, Milwaukee Public Museum; Vijay Barve, Purdue University; Nicolas Dowdy, Milwaukee Public Museum; Kathryn Sullivan, Milwaukee Public Museum; Julie Allen, University of Nevada, Reno; Jennifer Zaspel, Milwaukee Public Museum
Day Two - Block Two
1:00PM - 4:00PM EDT / 17:00 - 20:00 UTC (see your local time here)
Plenary Session
Time Room 1
Click Here to Join Zoom for Day 2, Room 1
1:00 - 1:30 Efficient extraction of natural history information from large-scale, digital biodiversity data
Brian Stucky, AI Facilitator/Consultant with Research Computing at UF
1:30 - 2:00 🐝 interacts with 🌼
Katja C. Seltmann, Director, Cheadle Center for Biodiversity and Ecological Restoration, University of California, Santa Barbara
2:00 - 2:15 Break
Concurrent Sessions
Time Room 1
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Room 2
Click Here to Join Zoom for Day 2, Room 2
Room 3
Click Here to Join Zoom for Day 2, Room 3
2:15 - 2:30 Concurrent Session 1
Data from museum specimens in conservation action: Two case studies from New Mexico
Tom Giermakowski, University of New Mexico; John P. Leonard, University of New Mexico; Richard J. Norwood, University of New Mexico
Concurrent Session 2
Broadening access to the digital herbarium through community- and user-centered design processes
Rashleigh E. Patrick, Brown University Library; Timothy Whitfeld, Bell Museum, University of Minnesota; Rebecca Y. Kartzinel, Brown University
Concurrent Session 5
The archives are half-empty: An assessment of the availability of microbial community sequencing data
Stephanie Jurburg, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (Halle-Jena-Leipzig); Maximilian Konzack; Nico Eisenhauer; Anna Heintz-Buschart
Pre-recorded presentation
2:30 - 2:45 Concurrent Session 1
Fossil-augmented species distribution models recontextualize introduced turkey ecology in California
Ashwin Sivakumar, Flintridge Preparatory School; Alexis Mychajliw, Middlebury College
Pre-recorded presentation
Concurrent Session 2
Standardized value APIs: The next step in the evolution of biodiversity data sharing
Ben Norton, North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences
Concurrent Session 5
Bridging the gap between natural history specimens and their microbial communities
Kouete Marcel, University of Florida; Molly C. Bletz, University of Massachusetts Boston; Brandon C. LaBumbard, University of Massachusetts Boston; Douglas C. Woodhams, University of Massachusetts Boston; David C. Blackburn, Florida Museum of Natural History
Pre-recorded presentation-->
2:45 - 3:00 Concurrent Session 2
Digitization of Smithsonian’s AntLab legacy database using open source software
Jessica Bird, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History; Baadshah Verma, Develop for Good; Michelle Li, Develop for Good; Yian Wang, Develop for Good; Ralph Lee, Develop for Good; Varun Murphy, Develop for Good; Tahmina Ahmad, Develop for Good
3:00 - 3:15 Concurrent Session 4
Trailblazing rapid biodiversity data enhancement to address emergent crises and the case study of Horseshoe Bats
Austin Mast, Florida State University; Deborah Paul, Florida State University / University of Illinois; Nelson Rios, Yale University; Erica Krimmel, Florida State University; Robert Bruhn, Florida State University; Aja Sherman, Florida State University; Katelin Pearson, Florida State University; Trevor Dalton, Florida State University; David Shorthouse, Bionomia; Nancy Simmons, American Museum of Natural History; Pam Soltis, University of Florida; Nathan Upham, Arizona State University
Pre-recorded presentation
Concurrent Session 2
Extending Specify for a new biological collections computing paradigm
Andrew Bentley, Specify Collections Consortium, University of Kansas; Specify Collections Consortium staff
Concurrent Session 6
Bringing digitized data to the dome
Nicole Gunter, Cleveland Museum of Natural History
Pre-recorded presentation
3:15 - 3:30 Concurrent Session 4
Completing a national bee inventory for the conterminous United States
Paige Chesshire, Northern Arizona University / Biodiversity Outreach Network; Erica Fischer, Michigan State University; Nick J. Dowdy, Milwaukee Public Museum; Alice C. Hughes, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Michael C. Orr, Chinese Academy of Sciences; John S. Ascher, National University of Singapore; Terry Griswold, United States Department of Agriculture; Neil S. Cobb, Biodiversity Outreach Network; Lindsie M. McCabe, United States Department of Agriculture
Pre-recorded presentation
Concurrent Session 2
Evaluating the image quality of digitized biodiversity collections’ specimens
Yasin Bakış, Tulane University Biodiversity Research Institute; Xiaojun Wang, Tulane University Biodiversity Research Institute; Henry L. Bart Jr., Tulane University Biodiversity Research Institute
Concurrent Session 6
Looking for marginalized students' use of natural history collections data
Adania Flemming, University of Florida; Molly Phillips, University of Florida; Temi Alao, University of Florida
Pre-recorded presentation
3:30 - 3:45 Concurrent Session 4
Taxonomic concept mapping among historical floras of Alaska: Decision-making and digital implementation
Kimberly Cook, Indiana University; Stefanie M. Ickert-Bond, University of Alaska Museum of the North; Campbell O. Webb, University of Alaska Museum of the North
Pre-recorded presentation
Concurrent Session 2
Minnesota’s Biodiversity Atlas: An online portal for activating natural history data and facilitating collaboration
Timothy Whitfeld, Bell Museum, University of Minnesota; George Weiblen, Bell Museum, University of Minnesota
Pre-recorded presentation
Day Two - Block Three
4:30PM – 6:30PM EDT / 20:30 - 22:30 UTC (see your local time here)
Behind the Scenes Tours of Florida Museum of Natural History Collections
Time Room 1
Click Here to view Live Tours in Zoom, Room 1
4:30 - 5:00 Live Lepidoptera Collections Presentation & Tour Andrei Sourakov, Collections Coordinator & Keith Willmott, Associate Curator
Additional Resources
5:00 - 5:30 Live Ichthyology Collections Tour Gabriel Somarriba, Graduate Student & Collection Technician
If you cannot join live, check out the Self-guided tour
5:30 - 6:00 Live Malacology Collections Tour Mandy Bemis & John Slapcinsky, Collections Managers
If you cannot join live, check out the Self-guided tour
6:00 - 6:30 Live 2D & 3D Imaging Tour Ed Stanley, Associate Scientist & Zach Randall, Ichthyology Biological scientist & imaging lab manager
If you cannot join live, check out the Self-guided tour
6:30 - 7:00 Kumospace Mingle for additional Q&A and Socializing

Wednesday, 9 June 2021

Day Three - Block One
9:00AM - 12:00PM EDT / 13:00 - 16:00 UTC (see your local time here)
Discussion Sessions
Time Room 1
Click Here to Join Zoom for Day 3, Room 1
9:00 - 10:00 Discussion Session 5
The discovery of legacy tropical forest datasets
Sheila Ward, Independent; Gillian Petrokofsky, University of Oxford; Jenny Wong, Wild Resources, Ltd., UK; Hans Juergen Boehmer, Technical University of Munich; Wan Rasidah Kadir, Forest Research Institute of Malaysia
10:00 - 10:15 Break
10:15 - 11:00 Discussion session 6
BCEENET: Connecting collections with CURE educators and students
Janice Krumm, Widener University; Carly N. Jordan, The George Washington University; Cecily D. Bronson, Portland State University; Elizabeth K. Shea, Delaware Museum of Natural History; Jean L. Woods, Delaware Museum of Natural History
11:00 - 12:00 Discussion Session 7
Botanical images field extraction with machine learning
Rosa Lin, Tolstoy; Alok Elashoff, Tolstoy/Berkeley
Day Three - Block Two
1:00PM - 4:00PM EDT / 17:00 - 20:00 UTC (see your local time here)
Discussion Sessions
Time Room 1
Click Here to Join Zoom for Day 3, Room 1
1:00 - 2:15 Discussion Session 8
Leveraging AI to extend specimen networks
Atriya Sen, University of New Orleans; Nico Franz, Arizona State University; Beckett Sterner, Arizona State University; Nathan S. Upham, Arizona State University; Prashant Gupta, Arizona State University; Caleb Powel, Arizona State University
2:15 - 2:30 Break
Poster Session
2:30 - 3:30 Poster Session in Kumospace
Day Three - Block Three
4:30PM - 6:30PM EDT / 20:30 - 22:30 UTC (see your local time here)
Plenary Session
Time Room 1
Click Here to Join Zoom for Day 3, Room 1
4:30 - 5:00 NSF Opportunities to Support Individual Investigators, Resource-Driven User Communities, and Team Science in Environmental Biology.
Matthew D. Kane, Program Director, Division of Environmental Biology, National Science Foundation
5:00 - 5:30 Challenges and opportunities in biodiversity data cyberinfrastructure
José A.B. Fortes, AT&T Eminent Scholar and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Florida, Director of the Advanced Computing and Information Systems Laboratory, iDigBio PI
5:30 - 5:45 Break
Concurrent Sessions
Time Room 1
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Room 2
Click Here to Join Zoom for Day 3, Room 2
Room 3
Click Here to Join Zoom for Day 3, Room 3
5:45 - 6:00 Concurrent Session 7
Detecting iridescent feather nanostructures with polarization imaging
Klara Nordén, Princeton University; Mary Caswell Stoddard, Princeton University
Pre-recorded presentation
Concurrent Session 2
An introduction to digital data with NEON
Melissa Benedict, National Ecological Observatory Network
Concurrent Session 8
Quantifying morphology using digital images: A tale of two symbionts
Kristin Hultgren, Seattle University; Christine Foxx, Iowa State University
Pre-recorded presentation
6:00 - 6:15 Concurrent Session 7
Digitization of unstructured text in entomology specimen labels using machine learning
Luis J. Villanueva, Smithsonian Institution
Pre-recorded presentation
Concurrent Session 2
New tools to score, view, and download (phenological) trait data in a Symbiota portal
Katie Pearson, California Polytechnic State University; Edward Gilbert, Arizona State University; Christopher Tyrrell, Milwaukee Public Museum; Nico Franz, Arizona State University; Jenn Yost, California Polytechnic State University
Pre-recorded presentation
Concurrent Session 8
Improving the efficiency of DNA extractions for avian climate change research
Noelle Mason, Colorado State University; Kristen Ruegg, Colorado State University; Marina Rodriguez, Colorado State University; Teia Schweizer, Colorado State University
6:15 - 6:30 Concurrent Session 7
Digitizing insect specimen photographs with an OCR and machine-learning enabled information extraction pipeline
Neha Kumar, University of California, Berkeley; Suhas Gupta, University of California, Berkeley; Shweta Sen, University of California, Berkeley; Apik Zorian, University of California, Berkeley; Fred Nugen, University of California, Berkeley; Alberto Todeschini, University of California, Berkeley; Peter T. Oboyski, University of California, Berkeley
Pre-recorded presentation
Concurrent Session 2
The broad reach of the NEON extended specimen
Katherine LeVan, Battelle / National Ecological Observatory Network
Pre-recorded presentation

Remote Poster Session

Title Authors
The Movebank system for bio-logging and life history data
There is no audio with this poster, click to view
Sarah C Davidson, Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, University of Konstanz, and the Ohio State University; Roland Kays, North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences and North Carolina State University; Candace Vinciguerra, Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior and North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences; Ashley Lohr, North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences; Martin Wikelski, Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior and University of Konstanz
Safeguarding Our Specimens (S.O.S.): Digitization of the Jurica-Suchy Nature Museum Research Collections
Click to view poster with embedded audio
Karly Tumminello, Jurica-Suchy Nature Museum at Benedictine University; Colleen Filipek, JSNM Collections Manager; Sarah Jablonski, Benedictine University; Rachel Carlson, Benedictine University; Tanya Rasha, Benedictine University; Sajina Jacob, Benedictine University; Ruta Jackevicius, Benedictine University
Generating a multidisciplinar database for indigenous traditional food systems
Load this first in a new tab (poster image)
Load this second in a new tab (poster audio)
Start audio, then switch to poster tab.
Jorge García Molinos, Hokkaido University; Tuyara Gavrilyeva, North-Eastern Federal University; Wantanee Kriengsinyos, Mahidol University; Daiju Narita, Tokyo University; Pattamaporn Joompa, Mahidol University; Sinee Chotiboriboon, Mahidol University; Zhixin Zhang, Hokkaido University; Daichi Yamada, Hokkaido University; Innokenty Okhlopkov, Institute for Biological Problems of Cryolithozone
Using aggregated field collection data and the novel R package FUNGARIUM to investigate fungal traits
Click to view poster with embedded audio
Hunter Simpson, University of Minnesota; Jonathan Schilling, University of Minnesota
Digitizing Dark Data at the Science Museum of Minnesota During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Click to view poster with embedded audio
Nicole Bednarik, Macalester College; Catherine M. Early, SMM; Charlie Iverson, SMM; George Weiblen, Minnesota Biodiversity Atlas
A web app and database schema for managing and displaying taxonomic concept relationships
Load this first in a new tab (poster image)
Load this second in a new tab (poster audio)
Start audio, then switch to poster tab.
Campbell Webb, University of Alaska Museum of the North; Kimberly Cook, Indiana University; Stefanie Ickert-Bond, University of Alaska Museum of the North
Point-intercept: a field-to-database web application for quantifying ground cover and vegetation
Click to view poster with embedded audio
Richard Levy, Denver Botanic Gardens; Christina Alba, Denver Botanic Gardens; Rebecca Hufft, Denver Botanic Gardens
The Verbatim Label Concept: Expanding Quality Assurance of Digital Data
Click to view poster with embedded audio
Thomas McElrath, Illinois Natural History Survey
Teeth, Beaks, and Bones: Interdisciplinary Collaborations Provide Open Digital Access
Click to view poster with embedded audio
Elizabeth Wommack, University of Wyoming Museum of Vertebrates; Chad Hutchens, University of Wyoming Libraries; Charles Koenig, University of Wyoming Anthropology Department
High altitude Andean seed bank (HANS-BANK): Preliminary results of seed morphology of different species from Ecuador at Cayambe-Coca National Park
Click to view poster with embedded audio
Tamia Villacrés, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE; Michelle Santillán, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE; Zaskya Valencia, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE; Marianela Mariño, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE; Claudia Segovia, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE
An open-source database model and collections management system for fish scale and otolith archives
Pre-recorded presentation
Elizabeth Tray, Marine Institute; Adam Leadbetter, Marine Institute; Will Meany, Marine Institute; Andrew Conway, Marine Institute; Caoimhín Kelly; Marine Institute, Niall Ó Maoiléidigh, Marine Institute, Elvira de Eyto, Marine Institute; Siobhan Moran, Marine Institute; Deirdre Brophy, Galway Mayo Institute of Technology|-
A FAIR compliant data model for monitoring marine non-indigenous species using eDNA samples
Pre-recorded presentation
Elizabeth Tray, Marine Institute; Adam Leadbetter, Marine Institute; Andrew Conway, Marine Institute; Caitriona Nic Aonghusa, Marine Institute; Dulaney Miller, MFRC Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology; Luca Mirimin; MFRC Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
Consultation and Collaboration: Incorporating Indigenous Data Sovereignty into Herbarium Collections through the SDState Wokini Initiative
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Start audio, then switch to poster tab.

Paige Cain, South Dakota State University; Sierra Sattler, South Dakota State University; Warren Cardinal-McTeage, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; Mark Freeland, South Dakota State University; Maribeth Latvis, South Dakota State University