The 24th meeting (GB24) of the GBIF Governing Board was hosted by The Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki, on behalf of Finland.
Sunday 24 September 2017
Presentations (Slides)
Session 1: Update from the GBIF Secretariat
- GBIF International landscape & New regions (Latin America/Caribbean & Pacific)
- Tim Hirsch, Deputy Director, GBIF Secretariat
- Capacity Enhancement Support Programme (CESP)
- Aisha Lolila Jensen, PO for Participation and Engagement, GBIF Secretariat
- Biodiversity Information for Development (BID)
- Laura Russell, PO for Participation and Engagement, GBIF Secretariat
- Biodiversity Fund for Asia (BIFA)
- Maofang Luo, Visiting Scientist from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, GBIF Secretariat
- IPT GBIF API and other tools
- Laura Russell, PO for Participation and Engagement and Thomas S. Jeppesen, Web Developer, GBIF Secretariat
- Presentation of the new GBIF Portal
- Morten Høfft & Thomas S. Jeppesen, Web Developers, GBIF Secretariat
Session 1 Recording
Session 2: Nodes role in the GBIF Community
Experiences from more established Nodes contribution to GBIF implementations plan:
- Description of the Antarctic Thematic GBIF Node, Strength & Weaknesses
- Anton Van de Putte, Node manager, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR)
- Presentation on a recently proposed Swedish national initiative for a coherent Biodiversity Informatics infrastructure (BAS)
- Anders Telenius, Node manager and Veronika Johansson, Node staff, Sweden
- Colombia BIO - Historical Expedition for Biodiversity: Strengthening of biological collections
- Leonardo Buitrago, Node manager, Colombia
- Niger Republic: Presentation on available biodiversity data organization & management for better monitoring and uses
- Maman Adda, Node manager, Niger
- Results of BID and CESP project activities
- Saïdou Dombouya, Node manager, Guinea
- Data management: Stable identifiers for collection specimens: What could the Nodes do to spread the use of this practice?
- Walter Berendsohn, Node manager, Germany
- Olaf Banki, Species 2000
- GBIF habla español: A promotional animated video!
- Cristina Villaverde, Node Manager, Spain
- Urmas Kõljalg, Node Manager; Estonia
Session 2 Recording
Session 3: Breakout - Thematic group discussions
- Chair: David Martin, Node manager, Australia (to be confirmed)
- Enhancing the technology skills of providers and consumers of biodiversity information
- Chair: Deb Paul, iDigBio
- New data types, new data sources
- Chair: Anton Van de Putte, Node manager, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR)
- Checklists, mobilization and uses
- Chair: Wouter Addink, Node manager, Naturalis
- Training and mentoring based on BID experiences
- Chair: Jean Ganglo, Node manager, Benin
Session 4: Forward looking strategies
Plenary discussions based on thematic breakout group discussions.
- Moderated by André Heughebaert, Chair, Nodes Committee and Group Chairs
Session 4 Recording
Monday 25 September 2017
Presentations (Slides)
Session 5: Data Use Cases
Uses of GBIF data - National, regional & thematic, based on input and experiences from the Nodes:
- GBIF Norway: Norwegian and Nordic crop wild relative conservation strategies derived from biodiversity data published in GBIF; and new published data (flow) before entering into assessments
- Dag Endresen, Node manager, Norway
- Ireland: Introducing new portal for capturing citizen science data)
- Liam Lysaght, Node manager, Ireland
- Tracking Invasive Alien Species (TrIAS)
- By Dimitri Brosens, Node staff, Belgium
- Presentation of
- Tim Wilkinson, UNEP-WCMC
- Characterizing Bird Data Gaps in Time and Space using GBIF- EBird Mediated Data
- Gautam Talukdar, Node manager, India
Session 5 Recording
Session 6: Improving Data fitness for use
Data Fitness for use based on input and experiences from the Nodes:
- Dag Endresen, Node manager, Norway
- Summary outputs: CESP 2016 Agro-training project including needs assessment on agrobiodiversity information and training
- Rui Figueira, Node manager, Portugal
- Wouter Addink, Node manager, Naturalis
- GBIF Norway: Software tools for online citizen science volunteer digitization of museum herbaria collections,
- Christian Svindseth, Node staff, Norway
- Christian Svindseth, Node staff, Norway
Session 7: Science Ambassador corps through GBIF Nodes
- Science ambassadors and workshops on promoting use of GBIF mediated data in research
- Tim Hirsch, Deputy Director, GBIF Secretariat Chair: David Martin, Node manager, Australia
Session 7 Recording
Session 8: Breakout – Regional Group Discussions
The following topics were discussed within the regional group discussions:
- Content Mobilization
- Collections/international Landscape
- Enlargement and Endorsement of Data Publishers
- Capacity Building
- Large Regional Projects
Group Chairs:
- Fatima Parker-Allie, Regional Representative, Africa
- Tsuyoshi Hosoya, Regional Representative, Asia
- Liam Lysaght, Deputy Regional Representative, Europe
- Anabela Plos, Deputy Regional Representative, Latin America & Caribbean
- Ben Wheeler, US Node Manager, North America and Oceania regions
Session 9: Forward looking strategies
- Plenary discussion based on breakout regional group discussions
- Moderated by Anders Telenius and Wouter Addink, Nodes Committee Vice Chairs + Group Chairs
Session 9 Recording
Session 10: Summing up & Conclusions
- Summarizing of discussions from sessions
- Enlarging/improving our Nodes Community
- Expectations from GBIF Secretariat
- Conclusions & Key messages
- Moderated by Anders Telenius and Wouter Addink, Nodes Committee Vice Chairs
GB24 Public Session
Tuesday 26 September 2017
Presentations (Slides)
Strategic Plan Goal 1
- Tim Hirsch, GBIF Secretariat
- The Living Atlases collaboration
- Anne-Sophie Archambeau, GBIF France
- Laura Russell, GBIF Secretariat
- Coordinating projects under BID: the Biodiversity Information for Development programme
- Jean Ganglo, GBIF Benin
- Dairo Escobar, SiB Colombia
Strategic Plan Goal 1 Recording
Strategic Plan Goals 2-4
- Donald Hobern, GBIF Secretariat
- Olaf Bánki, Naturalis Biodiversity Centre
- Filling data gaps and meeting research needs in Asia
- Maofang Luo, Chinese Academy of Sciences | Visiting Scientist, GBIF Secretariat
- Anders Gravbrøt Finstad, NTNU University Museum, Norwegian University of Science and Technology - GBIF Science Committee
- Mobilizing data from literature
- Donat Agosti, Plazi
Strategic Plan Goals 2-4 Recording
Strategic Plan Goal 5
- Introduction to new
- Kyle Copas, GBIF Secretariat
- Improved data discovery on
- Laura Russell, GBIF Secretariat
- Documenting research uses of GBIF-mediated data
- Tim Hirsch, GBIF Secretariat
- Donald Hobern, GBIF Secretariat
- 2017 Awards: Ebbe Nielsen Challenge | Young Researchers Award
- Kyle Copas, GBIF Secretariat
Strategic Plan Goal 5 Recording
Oral Presentation Recordings
Oral presentations of the Global Nodes meeting in the Hotel Arthur and the Governing Board meeting Day 1 Public Session at the University of Helsinki, Main Building, Small hall have been recorded using Adobe Connect.
If you have any concerns, please send a note to Kevin Love
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