ICER and Conservation at ADBC Summit VII
At ADBC Summit VII, the ICER Working Group (Integrating Collections and Ecological Research), along with BCoN, will present a half-day workshop centered around ecologists who incorporate collections data in their scientific research and sharing a potential model program for integrating collections data in conservation efforts. Speakers invited will give talks representing community examples of museum specimen data integrated with other biodiversity data to enhance and inform efforts to address key ecological questions and support conservation efforts.
In this workshop we intend to connect the collections community at ADBC Summit VII with the broader ecology community, and including the conservation community. Sustainability strategies for collections may include taking the opportunity to expand their respective stakeholders. Ecologists recognize the need for certain kinds of data to enhance their research now and in the future (Morrison SA, et al 2017 Outcomes of this session may include: 1) defining which groups of ecologists can use collections data now, which groups the data does not suit, and which groups the data might suit if modified / enhanced, 2) brainstorming with ecologists about where they look for data to make sure our collections data is published - along with suitable metadata - where they look, 3) discussing plans for a robust review of current data and asking what data might be collected in the future to make the data more useful to the ecologists of the future, 4) development of the conservation-collections vision (BCoN), 5) with which national and international collaborations can we align ourselves (GBIF, GBIF Norway, others?), 6) other topics as raised by the group present at the workshop.
More about ICER
The Integrating Collections and Ecological Research (ICER) Working Group is inspired by efforts to expand and enhance the community of those using collections data in their scientific research. Recent publications provide evidence the ecology community is calling for more robust and strategic connections between the ecology and collection communities. For example, iDigBio has collaborated at recent Ecological Society of America Conferences with the Natural History Section, and the Historical Records group.
The initial two main foci of ICER are to 1) figure out how best to insure ecologists know about existing collections data resources, 2) bring the two communities together to discuss suitability of the data captured from field specimen collection for ecologists. Other potential topics include: delineating which ecology groups can best use collections data (and which cannot), looking at what might be possible in the future to support ecologists vouchering specimens where appropriate, and working with collections and ecologists to design sustainable new standard practices for supporting ecologists as parties vested in supporting the existence of and need for collections.
Speakers at ICER and Conservation (BCoN) Workshop
- David Tazik (NEON)
- Jennifer McGuire (Georgia Tech)
- Anna Monfils (CMU)
- Barry Sinervo (USCS EEB)
- Elizabeth Martin (Doctoral student, University of Florida, School of Natural Resources and Environment (SNRE))
- Title: Preliminary Results on Survey about Reuse of Species Occurrence Data and Use of Web-based Information Systems by Professionals
- Abstract: Understanding how academic and non-academic professionals conducting scientific research or working on natural resource activities use species occurrence data and Web-based information systems that provide such data is a prerequisite for assessing the effectiveness of Web-based biodiversity information systems in general. As part of my doctoral research project, I conducted an online survey of academic and non-academic professionals in the United States during spring/summer 2017 to gather baseline data and information on how scientists and natural resource professionals reuse species occurrence data and use Web-based species occurrence information systems in their work. Preliminary results from this survey will be presented at the workshop.
Logistics to Join Conversation Remotely
- You can join us remotely through Adobe Connect.
- LINK to how to get the most out of Adobe Connect
- Friday, November 3rd from 930 - 1230 EDT
ICER Documents in Progress
- Current Vision Document. Note this is a working (draft) document.
- 5 Year Plan. Under construction. See rough draft.
- Ecology Groups - list of ESA Sections
IF you need to have edit rights to the above documents, please contact dpaul (AT) fsu (DOT) edu
ICER Workshops and Related Activities
- ICER participates in the Field to Collections Bioblitz at ESA 2017 (5 August 2017)
- ICER at iDigBio Summit VII (2-3 November 2017) (this document)
- ADBC Summit VII
Activities and Articles in Support of Ecology and Collections Collaboration
- Articles in ICER Google Drive folder
- Symposium Leveraging the Power of Biodiversity Specimen Data for Ecological Research at ESA 2016
- Ignite Session Enhancing Ecological Research with iDigBio Specimen Data at ESA 2015
- Send an email to dpaul (AT) fsu (DOT) edu
- Current ICER Group Members