IDigBio External Advisory Board

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Definition and Role of the External Advisory Board (EAB)

An external advisory board, whose membership will be subject to approval by NSF’s cognizant program official, will meet at least once a year and provide written and verbal advice to iDigBio on its activities, including progress and integration of digitization projects, research, education and outreach activities among all funded institutions, and provide advice on strategic directions, management policies and sustainability. It is anticipated that board members will serve for 2-3 years and have expertise in scientific research and/or sustainability of biological infrastructure.

  1. Board members with scientific backgrounds will represent areas of research that use natural history collection specimen-based data, such as systematics, ecology, conservation, ecosystem science, paleontology, evolution, and agriculture.
  2. Board members knowledgeable about sustaining biological infrastructure will have experience in areas such as strategic planning, communicating with stakeholders, and development of business models that can lead to the long-term sustainability of iDigBio and the national digitization effort.

EAB Meeting Remote Access for Invited Participants

  1. Read the iDigBio Web Conferencing Wiki Page to help get you started.
  2. Get connected to the meeting:
  3. If you are unable to connect via computer, the audio-only portion will be available via telephone conference:

External Advisory Board Members


  • Neil Cobb, Northern Arizona University

Data Use Committee

  • Paul Kimberly, National Museum of Natural History, Washington
  • Linda S. Ford, Harvard University
  • Vince Smith, Natural History Museum, London
  • Jason Knouft, Saint Louis University (Chair)

Sustainability Committee

  • Mary Klein, Former President and CEO of NatureServe
  • Donald Hobern, Global Biodiversity Information Facility
  • Barbara Thiers, New York Botanical Garden
  • Eva Huala, The Arabidopsis Information Resource (Chair)

External Advisory Board Meetings

November 1, 2016

November 4, 2015

October 27, 2014

April 4, 2014

March 22, 2013

April 5, 2012