IDigBio Listservs

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The iDigBio Listservs wiki page serves as an index of our various listervs, as well as an instructional resource for how or add/remove oneself from an existing listserv, or create a new listserv.

Current Listservs

iDigBio Listserv


Purpose: Community communication and announcements.

To add yourself to the list, email with the following command in the body of the email:

subscribe idigbio-L first_name last_name

e.g., subscribe idigbio-L Jane Doe

ADBC IT Listserv


Purpose: ADBC Information Technology community communication.

To add yourself to the list, email with the following command in the body of the email:

subscribe ADBCIT-L first_name last_name

e.g., subscribe ADBCIT-L Jane Doe

Note that the ADBCIT-L listserv should not be used to submit User Services tickets to iDigBio (e.g., site down, authentication issues). A separate list has been created for that purpose. A form on the website ( accepts User Services issues related to the site or digitization questions, and routes the issues to iDigBio support personnel.

Augmenting OCR Working Group


Purpose: This working group is attempting to improve OCR output and algorithm tools to speed up the digitization process.

To add yourself to the list, email with the following command in the email:

subscribe IDIGBIO-AOCR-L first_name last_name

e.g., subscribe IDIGBIO-AOCR-L Jane Doe

Biodiversity Informatics Management Working Group


Purpose: This working group discusses issues related to biodiversity informatics management.

To add yourself to the list, email with the following command in the email:

subscribe IDIGBIOBIM-L first_name last_name

e.g., subscribe IDIGBIOBIM-L Jane Doe

Citizen Science & Crowdsourcing Listserv


Purpose: Using citizen science resources for digitization and exploring partenerships with crowdcourcing service providers.

To add yourself to the list, email with the following command in the email:

subscribe IDIGBIO-CITIZENSCIENCE-L first_name last_name

e.g., subscribe IDIGBIO-CITIZENSCIENCE-L Jane Doe

Cyberinfrastructure Working Group


Purpose: Define, document and test iDigBio service Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and appliances. The first phase will focus on data ingestion APIs and appliances considering TCN use cases.

To add yourself to the list, email with the following command in the email:

subscribe IDIGBIO-CYWG-L first_name last_name

e.g., subscribe IDIGBIO-CYWG-L Jane Doe

Digitization Workflow Listserv


Purpose: To allow for members of Working Groups to collaborate virtually.

To add yourself to the list, email with the following command in the email:

subscribe IDIGBIO-DIGITIZATION-WG-L first_name last_name

e.g., subscribe IDIGBIO-DIGITIZATION-WG-L Jane Doe

Georeferencing Working Group


Purpose: This working group's goals are to start building a community of expert Georeferencing trainers and advance the capabilities of Georeferencing tools.

To add yourself to the list, email with the following command in the email:

subscribe IDIGBIOGWG-L first_name last_name

e.g., subscribe IDIGBIOGWG-L Jane Doe

Paleo Digitization Working Group


Purpose: This working groups goals are to support paleo digitization efforts

To add yourself to the list, email with the following command in the email:

subscribe IDIGBIOPALDIGI-L first_name last_name

e.g., subscribe IDIGBIOPALDIGI-L Jane Doe

Principal Investigators, co-PIs and leads from Collaborating Institutions from the NSF TCNs and PENs


Purpose: Coomunication between Principal Investigators and Co-PIs from all Collaborating Institutions.

To add yourself to the list, email with the following command in the email:

subscirbe TCNPIList-L first_name last_name

e.g., subscribe TCNPIList-L Jane Doe

iDigBio Small Collections Network


Purpose: The network of people is designed to provide a discussion forum for small collections issues

To add yourself to the list, email with the following command in the email:

subscirbe IDIGBIOSCNET-L first_name last_name

e.g., subscribe IDIGBIOSCNET-L Jane Doe

How to Subscribe and Unsubscribe

Many LISTSERV operations are easily performed through email. We'll use the fictional list FICTIONAL-L in our examples below. You should replace all occurrances of the string "FICTIONAL-L" with the list you are interested in.

To add yourself to a list, send a piece of email to with the line:

subscribe (listname) (your first name) (your last name)

subscribe FICTIONAL-L Jane Doe

To remove yourself from a list, send a piece of email to with the line:

unsubscribe (listname)

unsubscribe FICTIONAL-L

How to Request a New List

New list requests are sent here.

General Help

Listserv Online Help

List Subcriber's Manual

Introductory List Owner's Manual

List Owner's Manual

Site Manager's Manual