ADBC Summit 2019: Difference between revisions

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| 9:30-9:45
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| Conference Logistics
| [[Media:Logistics_Day1_Summit_2019.pdf | Conference Logistics]]
| David Jennings
| David Jennings
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| 8:30 - 8:45
| Conference Logistics
| [[Media:Logistics_Day2_Summit_2019.pdf | Conference Logistics]]
| David Jennings
| David Jennings

Revision as of 08:04, 2 October 2019

Digitizing the Past and Present for the Future
ADBC Summit IX Quick Links
Calendar Announcement
General Information

Join the leading researchers and professionals striving to digitize our nation's Natural History Collections! The annual ADBC Summit brings together representatives from TCNs, PENs, NSF, iDigBio, and other initiatives related to the U.S. National Science Foundation’s Advancing Digitization of Biodiversity Collections (ADBC) program. The Summit inspires collaboration and focuses discussions on shared goals, challenges, and opportunities.

General Information


All Summit registrants will be contacted in regards to their travel plans to better assist iDigBio staff with catering orders and meeting space requirements. If you are eligible to receive iDigBio travel-support funding to this year's Summit, your travel-related expenses will be handled on a reimbursement basis up to a maximum of $1,800 in accordance with iDigBio's Travel Policy ( You will be contacted by Allie Blackwell ( regarding information needed to set up your reimbursement account, along with information regarding reimbursement limits and procedures.

The conference will be held at the Hilton University of Florida Conference Center, Gainesville. The deadline for booking through our rooming block has closed but accommodations may still be available. Please look online or contact the hotel at 800-445-8667 for rates and availability.
The Aloft hotel is also within walking distance to the Hilton. Click here to book through the Aloft for $109/night.

Maps & Dining Information

Area Information

Ground Transportation Options

Interested in sharing a ride from the airport to the hotel with others? Use this form to self organize ride shares.

Special Accommodations

  • Nursing mothers needing accommodations should contact Molly Phillips for assistance.
  • Individuals needing assistance with ground transportation should speak with Hilton front desk staff.

Wireless Service

Wireless access for onsite participants is available through both the Hilton (more details provided later) and the University of Florida (

Attendee Information

Basic Attendee List pdf
Comprehensive Attendee List Google sheet - Please edit as needed


Note: Rooms are available for ad hoc meetings and interactions so long as there is not an activity listed for the particular time and place.

Submitting abstracts: We are asking for abstract submissions this year from the ADBC community (Deadline August 26) if you would like to submit an abstract Click Here.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019 → Orientation and Pre-Summit Meetings ← Full Day

Time Century A Century B & C Dogwood Azalea Hickory Hawthorne Live Oak
8:00-9:00 Continental breakfast provided in break area
9:00-10:30 Orientation to ADBC

Join us for an orientation session presented by the iDigBio core team. Everyone is welcome! Come to learn, to refresh, and to meet your fellow digitizers! We will cover topics including:

  • What ADBC and iDigBio are about, the acronyms, the scope
  • How you can get involved by participating in interest and working groups, community surveys, and useful website content
  • How to get specimen data to us, the first time and with every update
Not available
10:30-11:00 Morning break provided in break area
11:00-12:00 Orientation to ADBC (continued)
  • Ways to interact with us - listservs, meet the staff
  • TCN responsibilities
  • Questions, answers, and suggestions for making orientation better
Not available
12:00-1:00 Lunch provided
1:00-3:00 Not available TCN Kickoff Meetings Session I iDigBio External Advisory BoardClosed Session
1:00-1:30 EAB pre-meeting
1:30-3:00 EAB meeting with iDigBio
3:00-3:30 Afternoon break provided in break area
3:30-5:00 Not available TCN Kickoff Meetings Session II iDigBio External Advisory BoardClosed Session
TPT TCN Kickoff continued
TPT will meet until 6pm
TORCH TCN Kickoff continued PILSBRY TCN Kickoff continued
3:30-5:00 Working time for EAB
5:00 Adjourn
Dinner on your own

Wednesday, October 2, 2019 → Summit Day 1 ← Full Day

Time Century A Century B & C Dogwood Azalea Hickory Hawthorne Live Oak
  • Continental breakfast provided in break area
  • Summit check-in
9:00-10:30 Plenary Session I
Opening & Welcome
9:00-9:15 Opening & Welcome Gil Nelson
9:15-9:30 ADBC Program Update Reed Beaman
9:30-9:45 Conference Logistics David Jennings
New TCN Introductions
9:45-10:00 New TCN Intro TPT Jen Zaspel
10:00-10:15 New TCN Intro TORCH Peter Fritsch
10:15-10:30 New TCN Intro PILSBRY Norine Yeung
Not available
10:30-11:00 Morning break provided in break area
11:00-12:00 Plenary Session II
TCN Updates I
11:00-11:15 California Phenology Jenn Yost and Katie Pearson
11:15-11:25 Cretaceous World Bruce Lieberman
11:25-11:40 Endless Forms Matthew Pace
11:40-11:50 EPICC Ashley Dineen
11:50-12:00 InvertEBase Petra Sierwald
Not available
12:00-12:15 Group Photo
12:15-1:00 Lunch provided
1:00-2:30 Plenary Session III
TCN Updates II
1:00-1:15 LepNet/SCAN Neil Cobb
1:15-1:25 Microfungi Andrew Miller
1:25-1:35 Mid-Atlantic Megalopolis Cindy Skema
1:35-1:45 oVert David Blackburn
1:45-1:55 Pteridological Cindy Looy
1:55-2:05 SERNEC Zack Murrell
2:05-2:15 SoRo J Ryan Allen
2:15-2:20 LBCC Thomas Nash
2:20-2:25 Great Lakes Invasives Ken Cameron
2:25-2:30 Tri-trophic Christine Johnson
Not available
2:30-3:00 Afternoon break provided in break area
3:00-3:30 Plenary Session IV
Group Discussion
Panel Discussion with TCNs

This is a panel discussion with all TCN members in attendance, old and new. This session is intended to facilitate and propagate knowledge transfer, lessons learned, etc. throughout the ADBC program.

Discussion Notes

Barbara Thiers
Not available
3:30-4:45 Concurrent Session I
Meeting the Needs of the Research Community
Pamela S. Soltis, University of Florida
Robert P. Guralnick, University of Florida

Are you trying to start a research project using iDigBio and/or other digitized specimen data but having trouble? Or do you have a new idea about data use and would like to see ways to implement it? Join our discussion about how iDigBio can better meet the needs of the research community now and in the future.

Discussion Notes
Not available R and the iDigBio API: Enabling Exploration and Discovery
Ronald Canepa, ACIS Lab, University of Florida
Erica Krimmel, Florida State University
Deb Paul, Florida State University

APIs and their use: a non-technical overview of the iDigBio Application Programming Interface (APIs) and example use cases for both data providers and downstream data consumers.

Discussion Notes
Thrills and spills: sharing experiences, insights, and products on education, outreach, diversity & inclusion
Molly Phillips, iDigBio, University of Florida

This session will include a series of 5-minute lightning presentations from TCN representatives on successes (thrills) and lessons learned (spills) relating to education, outreach, diversity, and inclusion (EODI) initiatives followed by a Q&A/discussion. The goals of this session are to raise awareness about all of the amazing EODI activities and products that have stemmed from the ADBC program and to hopefully encourage cross-pollination of ideas and collaboration among the projects.

Discussion Notes
Sharing biotic interactions found in collection data
Katja Seltmann, UC Santa Barbara, Cheadle Center for Biodiversity and Ecological Restoration

During this session we will discuss how existing species interaction datasets are structured and how to increase our ability to generate aggregate datasets and examine networks of interactions. We will show examples of datasets shared through Global Biotic Interactions (GloBI - and discuss ideas about how to share more biotic interaction data for research.

Discussion Notes
How to convince your institution to digitize its biodiversity collection
Eric Knox, Indiana University Herbarium

This session will briefly present the institutional funding strategy that was successfully used to curate and digitize a semi-orphaned collection of 161,000+ herbarium specimens at Indiana University. The critical point is that all discussion with administrators should be framed in terms of how you can help them with their collection, not the other way around. The ensuing discussion will address varied institutional settings and potential pitfalls to avoid.

Discussion Notes
Biodiversity Summit 2020 Discussion
Jillian Goodwin, iDigBio, University of Florida
Gil Nelson, iDigBio, University of Florida

iDigBio is looking for help from the ADBC community to provide suggestions and input for the 2020 Biodiversity Summit in Alexandria, VA.

Discussion Notes
4:45-5:00 Day 1 Wrap-UpDavid Jennings Not available
5:00 Adjourn
6:00-9:00 Evening at the Florida MuseumPowell Hall

Walking Map and Directions from Hilton to UF Cultural Plaza

6:00-7:00 Arrival, heavy hors d'oeuvres, cash bar
7:00-7:15 Welcome by Roland Roberts, NSF Program Director and BIO Centers Science Advisor
7:15-7:30 Inclusion begins with an Invitation and Growth Mindset by Brett Woods
7:30-9:00 Museum exhibits open for your enjoyment

Thursday, October 3, 2019 → Summit Day 2 ← Half Day

Time Century A Century B & C Dogwood Azalea Hickory Hawthorne Live Oak
8:00-8:30 Continental breakfast provided in break area
8:30-10:00 Plenary Session V
8:30 - 8:45 Conference Logistics David Jennings
8:45 - 9:10 Natural History collections and Wikimedia projects : Why Natural History collections should engage with Wikipedia, Wikicommons and Wikidata Siobhan Leachman; Citizen scientist, Wikimedian
9:10-9:20 Questions & Answers  
9:20-9:45 Cures from herbs? The role of ethnobotany and herbaria in driving the discovery of new drugs from nature Cassandra Quave; Ethnobotanist, Herbarium Curator, and Assistant Professor at Emory University
9:45 - 9:55 Questions & Answers  
Not available
10:00-10:30 Morning break provided in break area
10:30-11:30 Concurrent Session II
Not available Consuming the iDigBio API in R

Ronald Canepa, ACIS Lab; University of Florida
Erica Krimmel, Florida State University
Deb Paul, Florida State University

Consuming the iDigBio API in R: a technical exploration of iDigBio’s API offerings, the R statistical language environment, and common useful methods and code libraries.

Discussion Notes

Where on earth is it? Georeferencing

Petra Sierwald, Field Museum

The Field Museum conducted a georeferencing trial using mostly pinned insects from North American localities- only land and freshwater. During this session, results will be reviewed (eg. what cleaning was necessary, unique localities, length of time for georeferencing, success rate, etc.) and opened for discussion.

Discussion Notes

Strategic Planning for the Worldwide Engagement for Digitizing Biocollections (WeDigBio) Event
Austin Mast, Florida State University
Libby Ellwood, The La Brea Tar Pits and Museum

Join us to discuss a future where large-scale creation of research-ready collections data continues with carefully crafted evaluation mechanisms guiding the community towards increasing science inclusiveness and participant understanding and valuation of biodiversity, collections, and science. A few 5-minute slots for those wishing to present their past WeDigBio innovations will be followed by a brief presentation of the strategic plan and a 30-minute discussion of it.

Discussion Notes

Specimen Digitization Workflow Optimization Tools
Joey Shaw, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Caleb Powell and Dakila Ledesma, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

This session will introduce and demonstrate various workflow optimization tools developed during the digitization of Tennessee herbaria under the SERNEC TCN. This session will showcase tools developed for common image processing tasks, including: naming, color correcting, white balance, metadata application, distortion correction, as well as quality controls such as blur detection and image orientation.

Discussion Notes
Biodiversity Summit 2020 Discussion
Jillian Goodwin, iDigBio, University of Florida
Gil Nelson, iDigBio, University of Florida

iDigBio is looking for help from the ADBC community to provide suggestions and input for the 2020 Biodiversity Summit in Alexandria, VA.

Discussion Notes
11:30 - 12:30
Group Discussion
Q&A Session with NSF

This session will provide an opportunity for new and existing TCNs to discuss key tips for successful TCNs at each step from obtaining funding to their final report and continuing post-grant digitization with NSF officers, Roland and Reed.

Discussion Notes

Reed Beaman and Roland Roberts
Not available
  • Lunch provided
  • Summit Wrap-UpGil Nelson
1:30 Adjourn
1:30-5:00 Meeting space is available at Powell Hall

Report, Evaluation, and Photos

Recorded Proceedings