Digitizing and Imaging Collections: New Methods, Ideas, and Uses

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Symposium Time: 8:30am - 5:00pm Berlin time (CEST), but: 2:30AM - 11:00AM Florida time (EDT)! So aren't you glad we're recording?! Symposium date: Thursday 23 June 2016.

For our SPNHC 2016 An International Conversation on Mobilizing Natural History Collections Data and Integrating Data for Research we had over 27 abstracts submitted for this 9 slot symposium. So, we added an additional symposium titled: Digitizing and Imaging Collections: New Methods, Ideas, and Uses. In this symposium, we've organized the talks starting with some collections software and data management to connect online resources. Next, it's all about images -- different techniques, and what you might do with the output -- from slides to photogrammetry -- to using the images with tools like Inselect, and using text search of OCR output from these images to maximize a digitization workflow. We then look at new ideas for digitization and a discussion of some of the challenges. The symposium focus then shifts to highlight some use cases for biocollections data while keeping in mind small collections, crowd-sourcing versus in-house digitization, and data quality.

SPNHC 2016 Symposium - An International Conversation - Agenda and Logistics

General SPNHC 2015 Information

Conference and Symposium Blog Post

Blog post

Symposium Presentations

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Creating Digitizing and Imaging Collections: New Methods, Ideas, and Uses
(Eastern Daylight Time)
(local Berlin)
Title Presenter
morning session 1, saphir 2
1 2:30 - 2:50 am 8:30 - 8:50am Assessing the initial implementation of Arctos in interdisciplinary natural history collections Dawn Roberts & Erica Krimmel
2 2:50 - 3:10 8:50 - 9:10am Connecting Conservation and Collections: The On-line Resources of the University & Jepson Herbaria and the UC Botanical Garden at Berkeley Andrew Doran & Holly Forbes
3 3:10 - 3:30 9:10am-9:30am "To slide or not to slide"—How do we scan the Natural History Museum's slide collections? Vladimir Blagoderov, Louise Allan, Alex Ball, Benjamin Price, Rebecca Summerfield, Emma Sherlock, Flavia Toloni, & Peter Wing
4 3:30 - 3:50 9:30 - 9:50am COPIS: Prototyping a Computer Operated Photogrammetric Imaging System Henry L. Bart, Jr., & Nelson Rios
3:50 - 4:20 9:50 - 10:20 BREAK
morning session 2, saphir 2
5 4:20 - 4:40 10:20-10:40am Streamlining specimens digitisation through the use of Inselect - a curator's perspective Natalie Dale-Skey
6 4:40 - 5:00 10:40-11:00am Using OCR for QC in the digitisation workflow of RBGE herbarium Robyn Drinkwater, Elspeth

Haston, Sally King & Erzsebet Gyongy

7 5:00-5:20 11:00-11:20am ? ?
8 5:20-5:40 11:20-11:40am Digital transcription improves access to egg collections and mobilizes phenological data Douglas G. D. Russell, Zoë Varley, Lawrence Brooks & Jörn P. W. Scharlemann
9 5:40-6:00 11:40-12:00noon Improving the collecting data of historical museum specimens Sylke Frahnert
6:00 - 7:10 12:00 - 1:10pm LUNCH BREAK
first afternoon session, saphir 2
10 7:10-7:30 1:10-1:30pm Historic collections going global: Digitization at the University of Iowa Museum of Natural History Cindy Opitz & Trina E. Roberts
11 7:30-7:50 1:30-1:50pm Enhancing FishNet2 to Increase Access of Developing Country Scientists to Fish Specimens Records in Developed Country Museums Henry L. Bart Jr.
12 7:50-8:10 1:50-2:10pm Releasing the potential of a significant regional geology collection through digitisation and working with partners that include an experimental game Kate Andrew, Daniel Lockett, Jackie Tweddle, & Michael Rosenbaum
13 8:10-8:30 2:10-2:30pm Using specimen portals for floristics research Richard K. Rabeler
14 8:30-8:50 2:30-2:50pm Recreating a long-lost herbarium Yvette Harvey & Jonathan Gregson
8:50 - 9:20 2:50 - 3:20 BREAK
15 8:50-9:10 11:00-11:20am Building next-generation collections: Challenges in digitizing already digitized collections Kamal Khidas
11 4:20-4:40 10:20-10:40am Bringing dark data to light – how do we keep the lights on? Jennifer Thomas
12 4:40-5:00 10:40-11:00am Enhancing FishNet2 to Increase Access of Developing Country Scientists to Fish Specimens Records in Developed Country Museums Henry L. Bart Jr.
13 5:00-5:20 11:00-11:20am Releasing the potential of a significant regional geology collection through digitisation and working with partners that include an experimental game Kate Andrew
second afternoon session, saphir 2
10 5:00-5:20 11:00-11:20am Recreating a long-lost herbarium Yvette Harvey
10 5:00-5:20 11:00-11:20am Using specimen portals for floristics research Richard K. Rabeler
10 5:00-5:20 11:00-11:20am Digitization in the office of the registrar: Saving our documents for the future Patricia Nutter & Erin Bilyeu
10 5:00-5:20 11:00-11:20am Frank discussion of small herbarium digitization options for the lost, confused, weary, under-budgeted, and over-stimulated Travis D. Marsico & Kari M. Harris
10 5:00-5:20 11:00-11:20am Preliminary analysis of effectiveness and accuracy of crowdsourcing vs in-situ digitisation methods Josefina Barreiro, Celia M. Santos-Mazorra, Marisol Alonso & Marian Ramos
10 5:00-5:20 11:00-11:20am Historic collections going global: Digitization at the University of Iowa Museum of Natural History Cindy Opitz' & Trina E. Roberts
10 5:00-5:20 11:00-11:20am Improving the collecting data of historical museum specimens Sylke Frahnert
10 5:00-5:20 11:00-11:20am
10 5:00-5:20 11:00-11:20am
5:20 - 5:30 11:20-11:30am DISCUSSION

Symposium Recordings

Digitizing and Imaging Collections New Methods, Ideas, and Uses (Saphir 2)
8:30 - 9:50 AM
Digitizing and Imaging Collections New Methods, Ideas, and Uses (Saphir 2)
10:20 AM - 12:00 PM
Digitizing and Imaging Collections New Methods, Ideas, and Uses (Saphir 2)
1:10 - 2:50 PM
Digitizing and Imaging Collections New Methods, Ideas, and Uses (Saphir 2)
3:20 - 5:00 PM
Recordings of More SPNHC Sessions

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