SPNHC 2016 Conference: Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections
UPDATE: Good News! Several symposia at SPNHC 2016 will be broadcast live - so you can listen in from all over the world. Stay tuned for details, watch twitter, facebook, and these iDigBio pages.
From the SPNHC 2016 Berlin web site: http://www.spnhc2016.berlin/index.html [1] [1]
The Museum für Naturkunde Berlin and the Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin are glad to welcome you to the 2016 SPNHC conference, held from June 20 through 25, 2016, in Berlin, Germany.
Under the heading “Green Museum – How to practice what we preach?” this 4th meeting of the society evaluates green thinking in collections, museums and botanical gardens. In a world of climate change and ever decreasing biodiversity, sustainability should be the criterion that ideally determines all planning and decisions, ranging from field work to construction projects, from ethical aspects to cost-benefit analyses.
In practice this often is compromised by constraints beyond the control of the institution, be it monetary, legal or other.
The conference will offer a forum to discuss possible ways of reconciling the seemingly opposing requirements. We welcome your contributions to this or other topics and look forward to hosting you in 2016.
iDigBio is taking part in several of the symposia and other related activities at SPNHC 2016. Here are some highlights and links.
Small Collections Symposium: Blending the educational resources of small and large collections for training the next generation of museum professionals (iDigBio Symposium, for more information see Symposia [2])
- Conveners: Anna Monfils, Central Michigan University, USA; Gil Nelson, iDigBio, Florida State University, USA.
- iDigBio Calendar Announcement [3]
JOIN US via Adobe Connect http://idigbio.adobeconnect.com/SPNHC2016_amethyst [4]
- 420am - 850am EDT (That's 1020am - 250pm Berlin time, CEST) - Thursday 23 June
An International Conversation on Mobilizing Natural History Collections Data and Integrating Data for Research (iDigBio, SYNTHESYS3, University of Oregon, for more information see Symposia [2])
- Deborah Paul, Florida State University, USA (dpaul@fsu.edu [5]), iDigBio; Elspeth Haston (E.Haston@rbge.ac.uk [6]), Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh, SYNTHESYS3; Brian Westra, University of Oregon, USA (bwestra@uoregon.edu [7])
- Wiki for An International Conversation...Symposium [8]
JOIN US via Adobe Connect: http://idigbio.adobeconnect.com/SPNHC2016_saphir1 [9]
- 720am - 1130am EDT, (120pm - 530pm Berlin time, CEST) Wednesday 22 June
- See wiki for exact talk times [10]
- iDigBio Calendar Announcement [11]
new digitization symposium added: Digitizing and Imaging Collections: New Methods, Ideas, and Uses (iDigBio, Synthesys3)
JOIN US via Adobe Connect http://idigbio.adobeconnect.com/SPNHC2016_saphir2 [12]
- 230am - 11am EDT (That's 830am - 5pm Berlin time, CEST) - Thursday 23 June
- iDigBio Calendar Announcement [13]
JOIN US via Adobe Connect http://idigbio.adobeconnect.com/SPNHC2016_saphir2 [12]
Enabling Infrastructure: Future Collections, Data & Informatics (SYNTHESYS3, for more information see Symposia [2])
- Vince Smith (vince@vsmith.info [14]), Natural History Museum London, Laurence Livermore (l.livermore@nhm.ac.uk [15]), Natural History Museum London
JOIN US via Adobe Connect: http://idigbio.adobeconnect.com/SPNHC2016_saphir1 [9]
- 230AM! - 850AM! EDT (That's 830am - 250pm Berlin time, CEST) - Thursday 23 June
Setting global and local digitisation priorities (GBIF Task Force on Accelerating the Discovery of Biocollections Data, for more information see Symposia [2])
- GBIF Task Force chair, Leonard Krishtalka (krishtalka@ku.edu [16])
JOIN US via Adobe Connect: http://idigbio.adobeconnect.com/SPNHC2016_saphir1 [9]
- 920am - 11am EDT (That's 320pm - 5pm Berlin time, CEST) - Thursday 23 June
Developing a global research infrastructure framework for bio-collections (SYNTHESYS3, for more information see Symposia [2])
- Dimitris Koureas (d.koureas@nhm.ac.uk [17]) Natural History Museum London, UK, Ana Casino (ana.casino@cetaf.org [18]) Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities, BE
JOIN US via Adobe Connect: http://idigbio.adobeconnect.com/SPNHC2016_saphir1 [9]
- 230AM! - 6am EDT (That's 830am - 12noon Berlin time, CEST) - Friday 24 June
DemoCamp (iDigBio, for more information see Symposia [2])
- Jennifer Strotman (strotmanj AT si.edu) Smithsonian Institute
- Rusty Russell (russellr AT si.edu) Smithsonian Institute
JOIN US via Adobe Connect: http://idigbio.adobeconnect.com/SPNHC2016_saphir1 [9]
- 230AM! - 6am EDT (That's 830am - 12noon Berlin time, CEST) - Friday 24 June
SYNTHESYS3 and iDigBio joint workshop [19]: selected tools for automated metadata capture from specimen imageS
- Presented by the Natural History Museum, London, ABBYY & Symbiota
- http://synthesys3.biowikifarm.net/syn3/SPNHCworkshop2016 [19]
- Saturday 25 June hosted by the Berlin Botanic Garden (BGBM), 300AM! - 11am EDT (That's 900am - 5PM Berlin time, CEST)