ICEDIG: Innovation and consolidation for large scale digitization of natural heritage
Imagine an ADBC-type program for the EU and related countries with their very own version of Thematic Collection Networks and an iDigBio-like hub. This very idea is coming soon with the monicker: DiSSCo [1] -- Distributed System of Scientific Collections. How will it be structured? What human resources will be needed? What about the cyberinfrastructure? What experiences and lessons learned can iDigBio share to benefit DiSSCo?
The University of Helsinki colleagues, Leif Shulman and Hannu Saarenmaa, are leading a meeting on March 5-6, 2018 to envision needs for bringing DiSSCo to life. This meeting is ICEDIG: Innovation and consolidation for large scale digitization of natural heritage. The goal of the meeing is to: produce conceptual and technical design reports for a distributed digitization infrastructure for European natural science collections (DiSSCo).
Details soon at [2]