"uuid": "a2b36fdf-50bc-44ef-a6a4-ca6dc1dc148a",
"type": "recordsets",
"etag": "fd2b437ca43099688fad89084f356a460af71f78",
"data": {
"eml_link": "https://sernecportal.org/portal/collections/datasets/emlhandler.php?collid=368",
"contacts": [
"email": "hbrown@mailbox.sc.edu"
"email": "hbrown@mailbox.sc.edu"
"email": "james.r.allen@colorado.edu"
"first_name": "J Ryan",
"last_name": "Allen",
"role": "Biodiversity Informatics Manager (Database inquiries)",
"email": "james.r.allen@colorado.edu"
"first_name": "Dina",
"last_name": "Clark",
"role": "Collection Manager (Loan and other inquiries)",
"email": "dina.clark@colorado.edu"
"first_name": "J Ryan",
"last_name": "Allen",
"role": "Biodiversity Informatics Manager (Database inquiries)",
"email": "james.r.allen@colorado.edu"
"first_name": "Dina",
"last_name": "Clark",
"role": "Collection Manager (Loan and other inquiries)",
"email": "dina.clark@colorado.edu"
"collection_name": "University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection",
"update": "2024-04-18T00:00:00",
"ingest": true,
"data_rights": "CC3 BY-NC",
"link": "https://sernecportal.org/portal/collections/misc/collprofiles.php?collid=368",
"collection_description": "This database represents a snapshot of our primary database housed at https://botanydb.colorado.edu and may not be as up to date as our primary database.Collection strengths: Colorado, Southern Rocky Mountains and Western North American vascular plants and cryptogams, worldwide arctic and alpine, Appalachia, Galapagos Lichens, Australia, New Guinea, Altai, Mexico and the Seville Flowers Bryophyte Collection. Digitization: Digitization efforts have been focused on North American vascular plants, lichens and bryophytes with an emphasis on Colorado specimens. All Colorado vascular and cryptogam specimens have been imaged and entered into the database. Images for North American vascular plants are captured for 18 families under the Tri-Trophic TCN. North American lichen packets have been imaged and transcribed http://lichenportal.org/portal. All North American bryophyte packets have been imaged and all Colorado specimens have been transcribed and are available at http://bryophyteportal.org/portal. 140,000 vascular plant specimens and 55,000 bryophytes and 47,000 lichens from outside of North America have not been digitized.",
"institution_web_address": "https://botanydb.colorado.edu",
"other_guids": [],
"logo_url": "https://botanydb.colorado.edu/COLO_Botany.jpg",
"id": "https://botanydb.colorado.edu/webservices/dwc/f5da8b4f-e389-4436-b71d-1c3e0a4baacc"
"indexTerms": {
"publisher": "0e9cc971-a4d7-4df2-af25-66091fcf4f61",
"uuid": "a2b36fdf-50bc-44ef-a6a4-ca6dc1dc148a",
"dqs": 0,
"archivelink": "https://sernecportal.org/portal/collections/misc/collprofiles.php?collid=368",
"rights": "cc3 by-nc",
"contacts": [
"email": "hbrown@mailbox.sc.edu"
"email": "hbrown@mailbox.sc.edu"
"email": "james.r.allen@colorado.edu"
"first_name": "J Ryan",
"last_name": "Allen",
"role": "Biodiversity Informatics Manager (Database inquiries)",
"email": "james.r.allen@colorado.edu"
"first_name": "Dina",
"last_name": "Clark",
"role": "Collection Manager (Loan and other inquiries)",
"email": "dina.clark@colorado.edu"
"first_name": "J Ryan",
"last_name": "Allen",
"role": "Biodiversity Informatics Manager (Database inquiries)",
"email": "james.r.allen@colorado.edu"
"first_name": "Dina",
"last_name": "Clark",
"role": "Collection Manager (Loan and other inquiries)",
"email": "dina.clark@colorado.edu"
"indexData": {
"idigbio:parent": "0e9cc971-a4d7-4df2-af25-66091fcf4f61",
"eml_link": "https://sernecportal.org/portal/collections/datasets/emlhandler.php?collid=368",
"contacts": [
"email": "hbrown@mailbox.sc.edu"
"email": "hbrown@mailbox.sc.edu"
"email": "james.r.allen@colorado.edu"
"first_name": "J Ryan",
"last_name": "Allen",
"role": "Biodiversity Informatics Manager (Database inquiries)",
"email": "james.r.allen@colorado.edu"
"first_name": "Dina",
"last_name": "Clark",
"role": "Collection Manager (Loan and other inquiries)",
"email": "dina.clark@colorado.edu"
"first_name": "J Ryan",
"last_name": "Allen",
"role": "Biodiversity Informatics Manager (Database inquiries)",
"email": "james.r.allen@colorado.edu"
"first_name": "Dina",
"last_name": "Clark",
"role": "Collection Manager (Loan and other inquiries)",
"email": "dina.clark@colorado.edu"
"collection_name": "University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection",
"idigbio:uuid": "a2b36fdf-50bc-44ef-a6a4-ca6dc1dc148a",
"idigbio:etag": "fd2b437ca43099688fad89084f356a460af71f78",
"update": "2024-04-18T00:00:00",
"ingest": true,
"institution_web_address": "https://botanydb.colorado.edu",
"idigbio:siblings": {},
"idigbio:recordIds": [
"link": "https://sernecportal.org/portal/collections/misc/collprofiles.php?collid=368",
"idigbio:dateModified": "2024-04-18T22:01:28.436089",
"collection_description": "This database represents a snapshot of our primary database housed at https://botanydb.colorado.edu and may not be as up to date as our primary database.Collection strengths: Colorado, Southern Rocky Mountains and Western North American vascular plants and cryptogams, worldwide arctic and alpine, Appalachia, Galapagos Lichens, Australia, New Guinea, Altai, Mexico and the Seville Flowers Bryophyte Collection. Digitization: Digitization efforts have been focused on North American vascular plants, lichens and bryophytes with an emphasis on Colorado specimens. All Colorado vascular and cryptogam specimens have been imaged and entered into the database. Images for North American vascular plants are captured for 18 families under the Tri-Trophic TCN. North American lichen packets have been imaged and transcribed http://lichenportal.org/portal. All North American bryophyte packets have been imaged and all Colorado specimens have been transcribed and are available at http://bryophyteportal.org/portal. 140,000 vascular plant specimens and 55,000 bryophytes and 47,000 lichens from outside of North America have not been digitized.",
"id": "https://botanydb.colorado.edu/webservices/dwc/f5da8b4f-e389-4436-b71d-1c3e0a4baacc",
"other_guids": [],
"logo_url": "https://botanydb.colorado.edu/COLO_Botany.jpg",
"data_rights": "CC3 BY-NC"
"etag": "fd2b437ca43099688fad89084f356a460af71f78",
"emllink": "https://sernecportal.org/portal/collections/datasets/emlhandler.php?collid=368",
"logourl": "https://botanydb.colorado.edu/colo_botany.jpg",
"recordids": [
"datemodified": "2024-04-18T22:01:28.436089+00:00",
"name": "university of colorado museum of natural history herbarium vascular plant collection"
"attribution": {}