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Specimen Record

ContinentNorth America
CountryUnited States
County/ParishCooper County
Institution CodeCmc
Collection CodeInvertebrate Paleontology
Catalog NumberIp17893
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

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From Recordset

The Invertebrate Paleontology Collection of the Cincinnati Museum Center is maintained to supplement and complement the major invertebrate fossil collections in North American museums and universities, and to advance both the mission of Cincinnati Museum Center and the science of invertebrate paleontology. The Invertebrate Paleontology Department uses the collection for research and, in close cooperation with other Museum staff, to develop educational programs and exhibits. The collection allows the Museum to play an active role in the invertebrate paleontological community by encouraging and facilitating research and exhibitions, and enhances the Department’s ability to provide professional services to, and scholarly interaction with, colleagues and students. The collection is particularly strong in Lower to Middle Paleozoic fossils of central North America. With a special emphasis on the Cincinnati Arch region of Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana, the Cincinnati Museum Center houses one of the best collections of Upper Ordovician fossils of the type Cincinnatian Series on national and international levels. To serve broader needs, the Invertebrate Department maintains collections representing historically and scientifically significant locations8 throughout the Phanerozoic Eon in North America, as well as notable locations around the world. The acquisition of the University of Minnesota and Minnesota State Geological Survey invertebrate collection further strengthens the collection geographically into the Upper Midwest, and stratigraphically into the Cambrian, with significant Ordovician components that complement our own local paleontology. The Invertebrate Department also houses a growing paleobotanical collection containing over 2,000 specimens, dominated by Paleozoic plants of the North American midcontinent. The dataset contains taxonomic, geographic, and stratigraphic data for over 90,000 specimen lots of major invertebrate phyla, including over 3,000 type specimens.


Name Brenda Hunda
RoleCurator of Invertebrate Paleontology
Name Brenda Hunda
RoleCurator of Invertebrate Paleontology
Name Anne Kling
RoleManager, Collection Databases and Websites
Name Glenn Storrs
RoleAssistant Vice President of Collections and Research & the Withrow Farny Curator of Vertebrate Paleontology
Name Joanna McCaffrey
RoleBiodiversity Informatics Manager
Name Brenda Hunda
RoleCurator of Invertebrate Paleontology
Name Anne Kling
RoleManager, Collection Databases and Websites
Name Cameron Schwalbach
RolePaleontology Collections Manager
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FieldOriginalInterpreted What does this mean?
Scientific NameChonetes loganichonetes logani
Kingdomanimalia Interpreted
Specific Epithetloganilogani
Taxon RankSpeciesspecies
Nomenclatural CodeICZNICZN
FieldOriginalInterpreted What does this mean?
Catalog NumberIP17893ip17893
Individual Count11
Institution CodeCMCcmc
Collection CodeInvertebrate Paleontologyinvertebrate paleontology
Occurrence IDec84e383-98ee-4a1b-967e-4cfaaad3536bec84e383-98ee-4a1b-967e-4cfaaad3536b
Basis of RecordFossilSpecimenfossilspecimen
Type of ResourcePhysicalObjectPhysicalObject
FieldOriginalInterpreted What does this mean?
CountryUnited Statesunited states
State / ProvinceMissourimissouri
CountyCooper Countycooper county
ContinentNorth Americanorth america
Decimal Latitude38.97923238.979232
Decimal Longitude-92.991265-92.991265
Georeference ProtocolGeoreferencing Quick GuideGeoreferencing Quick Guide
Coordinate Uncertainty In Meters851851
Geodetic DatumWGS 84WGS 84
Georeference RemarksCentroid placed at the geographic center of Blackwater, MO and uncertainty made to include its whole perimeterCentroid placed at the geographic center of Blackwater, MO and uncertainty made to include its whole perimeter
Georeferenced ByIan M. MacAdamIan M. MacAdam
Georeferenced Date5/19/20155/19/2015
Paleo Context
FieldOriginalInterpreted What does this mean?
Geological Context GroupBurlington Groupburlington group
Earliest Era Or Lowest ErathemPaleozoicpaleozoic
Earliest Period Or Lowest SystemMississippianmississippian
FieldOriginalInterpreted What does this mean?
dwc:datasetIDc33ce2f2-c3cc-43a5-a380-fe4526d63650 Interpreted
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