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"dcterms:modified": "2022-09-02 11:18:28",
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"gbif:canonicalname": "ascaphus truei",
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"gbif:reference": [
"coreid": "2429804",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "(1996) nodc taxonomic code"
"coreid": "2429804",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "(2004) database, amphibian species of the world: an online reference"
"coreid": "2429804",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "banks, r. c., r. w. mcdiarmid, a. l. gardner, and w. c. starnes (2004) checklist of vertebrates of the united states, the u.s. territories, and canada, draft (2004)"
"coreid": "2429804",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "banks, r. c., r. w. mcdiarmid, a. l. gardner, and w. c. starnes (2004) checklist of vertebrates of the united states, the u.s. territories, and canada, draft (2004)"
"coreid": "2429804",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "b. i. crother, j. boundy, j. a. campbell, k. de quieroz, d. frost, d. m. green, r. highton, et al. (2003) scientific and standard english names of amphibians and reptiles of north america north of mexico: update: herpetological review, vol. 34, no. 3"
"coreid": "2429804",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "crother, brian i., jeff boundy, frank t. burbrink, et al. / moriarty, john j., ed. (2008) scientific and standard english names of amphibians and reptiles of north america north of mexico, with comments regarding confidence in our understanding, sixth ed.: herpetological circular no. 37"
"coreid": "2429804",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "crother, brian i., jeff boundy, frank t. burbrink, et al. / moriarty, john j., ed. (2008) scientific and standard english names of amphibians and reptiles of north america north of mexico, with comments regarding confidence in our understanding, sixth ed.: herpetological circular no. 37"
"coreid": "2429804",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "crother, brian i., jeff boundy, jonathan a. campbell, kevin de quieroz, darrel frost, et al. (2003) scientific and standard english names of amphibians and reptiles of north america north of mexico: update: herpetological review, vol. 34, no. 3"
"coreid": "2429804",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "crother, brian i., jeff boundy, jonathan a. campbell, kevin de quieroz, darrel frost, et al. (2003) scientific and standard english names of amphibians and reptiles of north america north of mexico: update: herpetological review, vol. 34, no. 3"
"coreid": "2429804",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "frost, darrel r. (1997) amphibian species of the world, a taxonomic and geographic reference. second edition"
"coreid": "2429804",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "frost, darrel r. (2009) database. amphibian species of the world: an online reference v5.3"
"gbif:vernacularname": [
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"dcterms:source": "ncbi taxonomy",
"dwc:vernacularname": "american bell toad"
"coreid": "2429804",
"dcterms:language": "en",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dwc:vernacularname": "coastal tailed frog"
"coreid": "2429804",
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"dcterms:source": "integrated taxonomic information system (itis)",
"dwc:vernacularname": "coastal tailed frog"
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"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dwc:vernacularname": "tailed frog"
"coreid": "2429804",
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"dcterms:source": "integrated taxonomic information system (itis)",
"dwc:vernacularname": "tailed frog"
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"dcterms:source": "ncbi taxonomy",
"dwc:vernacularname": "tailed frog"
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"country": "united states",
"locality": "route 2, 5.0 mi w. marias pass",
"collectioncode": "herp",
"canonicalname": "ascaphus truei",
"eventdate": "1969-07-00",
"flags": [
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"datasetid": "7ddf754f-d193-4cc9-b351-99906754a03b"
"attribution": {
"uuid": "bd7cfd55-bf55-46fc-878d-e6e11f574ccd",
"name": "University of Florida Herpetology",
"description": "Data for preserved specimens of amphibians and reptiles in the Florida Museum of Natural History",
"url": "",
"emllink": "https://ipt.floridamuseum.ufl.edu/ipt/eml.do?r=herpetology",
"archivelink": "https://ipt.floridamuseum.ufl.edu/ipt/archive.do?r=herpetology",
"contacts": [
"first_name": "David",
"last_name": "Blackburn",
"role": "Associate Curator of Amphibians and Reptiles",
"email": "dblackburn@flmnh.ufl.edu"
"first_name": "Warren",
"last_name": "Brown",
"role": "IT Director",
"email": "netadmin@flmnh.ufl.edu"
"first_name": "OMT",
"last_name": "FLMNH",
"email": "netadmin@flmnh.ufl.edu"
"first_name": "David",
"last_name": "Blackburn",
"role": "Associate Curator of Amphibians and Reptiles",
"email": "dblackburn@flmnh.ufl.edu"
"data_rights": "CC4 BY-NC",
"publisher": "350857a8-4940-4d02-ad42-49557f8006f1",
"totalCount": 183582