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"gbif:reference": [
"coreid": "2431483",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "(2004) database, amphibian species of the world: an online reference"
"coreid": "2431483",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "banks, r. c., r. w. mcdiarmid, a. l. gardner, and w. c. starnes (2004) checklist of vertebrates of the united states, the u.s. territories, and canada, draft (2004)"
"coreid": "2431483",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "banks, r. c., r. w. mcdiarmid, a. l. gardner, and w. c. starnes (2004) checklist of vertebrates of the united states, the u.s. territories, and canada, draft (2004)"
"coreid": "2431483",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "crother, brian i., jeff boundy, frank t. burbrink, et al. / moriarty, john j., ed. (2008) scientific and standard english names of amphibians and reptiles of north america north of mexico, with comments regarding confidence in our understanding, sixth ed.: herpetological circular no. 37"
"coreid": "2431483",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "crother, brian i., jeff boundy, frank t. burbrink, et al. / moriarty, john j., ed. (2008) scientific and standard english names of amphibians and reptiles of north america north of mexico, with comments regarding confidence in our understanding, sixth ed.: herpetological circular no. 37"
"coreid": "2431483",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "crother, brian i., jeff boundy, jonathan a. campbell, et al. / moriarty, john j., ed. (2000) scientific and standard english names of amphibians and reptiles of north america north of mexico, with comments regarding confidence in our understanding: herpetological circular, no. 29"
"coreid": "2431483",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "crother, brian i., jeff boundy, jonathan a. campbell, et al. / moriarty, john j., ed. (2000) scientific and standard english names of amphibians and reptiles of north america north of mexico, with comments regarding confidence in our understanding: herpetological circular, no. 29"
"coreid": "2431483",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "crother, brian i., jeff boundy, jonathan a. campbell, k. de queiroz, et al. / moriarty, john j., ed. (2000) scientific and standard english names of amphibians and reptiles of north america north of mexico, with comments regarding confidence in our understanding: herpetological circular, no. 29"
"coreid": "2431483",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "crother, brian i., jeff boundy, jonathan a. campbell, k. de queiroz, et al. / moriarty, john j., ed. (2000) scientific and standard english names of amphibians and reptiles of north america north of mexico, with comments regarding confidence in our understanding: herpetological circular, no. 29"
"coreid": "2431483",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "frost, darrel r. (2009) database. amphibian species of the world: an online reference v5.3"
"idigbio:isocountrycode": "usa",
"dcterms:modified": "2020-01-07 12:35:09",
"dwc:scientificName": "Plethodon cheoah",
"dwc:day": "06",
"dwc:datasetID": "7ddf754f-d193-4cc9-b351-99906754a03b",
"dwc:year": "2012"
"class": "amphibia",
"occurrenceid": "b7d1b0d9-48a0-11ec-80ba-06f21c000156",
"institutionid": "ncsm",
"country": "united states",
"locality": "nantahala nationa forest, along appalachian trail between locust cove gap and cheoah bald, ca. 2.7 miles ese cheoah",
"collectioncode": "herp",
"canonicalname": "plethodon cheoah",
"fieldnumber": "herp-80273-82",
"taxonomicstatus": "accepted",
"recordids": [
"genus": "plethodon",
"order": "caudata",
"datasetid": "7ddf754f-d193-4cc9-b351-99906754a03b"
"attribution": {
"uuid": "1bb2a80e-271f-46a8-bbfc-ba56d3e6292a",
"name": "NCSM Herpetology Collection",
"description": "The North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences' Amphibians and Reptiles Unit contains approximately 262,000 specimens (81,350+ lots), and is one of the largest and most complete regional collections in the United States. Founded in the late 1800s, the collection consists of approximately 80% North Carolina material, although 47 states, 57 countries, and more than 640 species are represented. Other states with substantial representation include California, Delaware, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. Other countries with substantial representation include Laos, Vietnam, and Gabon, and the international focus of the collection is expanding. Important recent acquisitions include large collections from Duke and Virginia Commonwealth Universities, the University of North Carolina’s Institute of Marine Sciences, and the personal collection of the late E. E. Brown of Davidson College. The collection houses fluid-preserved specimens, skeletons, skins, tissues for molecular analyses, and other materials. Photographic vouchers, field notes, other museums’ records of North Carolina holdings, and specimen data sheets are also maintained as part of the materials documenting these resources.",
"url": "https://collections.naturalsciences.org/search/herpetology",
"emllink": "https://ipt.vertnet.org/eml.do?r=ncsm_herps",
"archivelink": "https://ipt.vertnet.org/archive.do?r=ncsm_herps",
"contacts": [
"first_name": "Ben",
"last_name": "Norton",
"role": "Head of Technology",
"email": "ben.norton@naturalsciences.org"
"first_name": "Bryan",
"last_name": "Stuart",
"role": "Curator of Herpetology",
"email": "bryan.stuart@naturalsciences.org"
"first_name": "Ben",
"last_name": "Norton",
"role": "Head of Technology",
"email": "ben.norton@naturalsciences.org"
"first_name": "Bryan",
"last_name": "Stuart",
"role": "Curator of Herpetology",
"email": "bryan.stuart@naturalsciences.org"
"first_name": "Bryan",
"last_name": "Stuart",
"role": "Curator of Herpetology",
"email": "bryan.stuart@naturalsciences.org"
"data_rights": "CC0",
"publisher": "842a2bb5-d705-4d6c-8401-abf3ca28c05d",
"totalCount": 103916