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Specimen Record

ContinentNorth America
CountryUnited States
State/ProvinceSouth Dakota
County/ParishCorson County
LocalityFloat Concs, Washed Out Of Banks Of Grand River, Bullhead
Institution CodeYpm
Collection CodeIp
Catalog NumberYpm Ip 595543
Collected ByKarl M. Waage
Date Collected1977-05-08
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

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From Recordset

The Yale Peabody Museum's collection of invertebrate fossils is one of largest in the United States, in volume and in geographic, stratigraphic and taxonomic representation. The holdings of the Division of Invertebrate Paleontology represent more than 350,000 specimen lots, approximately 4 million individuals. A total of 35,000 are type specimens; about 4,500 are the basis of new species descriptions. Over 300,000 specimen lots are available in the online specimen index; all known type specimens are included.


Name Larry Gall
RoleHead, Computer Systems Office
Name Larry Gall
RoleHead, Computer Systems Office
Name Larry Gall
RoleHead, Computer Systems Office
Name Susan Butts
RoleDivision of Invertebrate Paleontology
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FieldOriginalInterpreted What does this mean?
Scientific NameProtocardia sp.protocardia Interpreted
Higher ClassficationAnimalia; Mollusca; Bivalvia; Heterodonta; Veneroida; Cardiacea; Cardiidaeanimalia; mollusca; bivalvia; heterodonta; veneroida; cardiacea; cardiidae
OrderVeneroidacardiida Interpreted
Taxon RankGenusgenus
Nomenclatural CodeICZNICZN
Vernacular Namebivalves; molluscs; animalsbivalves; molluscs; animals
Taxon RemarksFossils, Rocks and Minerals: Fossils - InvertebratesFossils, Rocks and Minerals: Fossils - Invertebrates
FieldOriginalInterpreted What does this mean?
Identified ByJessica UtrupJessica Utrup
Date Identified20172017
Previous IdentificationsProtocardia sp.Protocardia sp.
Catalog NumberYPM IP 595543ypm ip 595543
Individual Count11
Institution CodeYPMypm
Collection CodeIPip
Occurrence IDurn:uuid:b51f630c-f62d-4f9f-a1cf-0298f5cc5c4furn:uuid:b51f630c-f62d-4f9f-a1cf-0298f5cc5c4f
Dataset NameWISWIS
Basis of RecordFossilSpecimenfossilspecimen
Associated Mediahttps://images.collections.yale.edu/iiif/2/ypm:ab3329b4-c831-4c03-9606-b1cdc0371324/full/full/0/default.jpghttps://images.collections.yale.edu/iiif/2/ypm:ab3329b4-c831-4c03-9606-b1cdc0371324/full/full/0/default.jpg
Associated ReferencesDet. by: Jessica Utrup 2017Det. by: Jessica Utrup 2017
Associated Taxaon same slab: IP.595261on same slab: IP.595261
Collection Event
FieldOriginalInterpreted What does this mean?
Collected ByKarl M. Waagekarl m. waage
Date Collected19771977-05-08T00:00:00+00:00 Interpreted
Collection RemarksIP number 595543; lot count 1; taphonomy=concretion; accn=IPA.07048; associatedwith=on same slab: IP.595261IP number 595543; lot count 1; taphonomy=concretion; accn=IPA.07048; associatedwith=on same slab: IP.595261
FieldOriginalInterpreted What does this mean?
CountryUSAunited states Interpreted
State / ProvinceSouth Dakotasouth dakota
CountyCorson Countycorson county
Higher GeographyNorth America; USA; South Dakota; Corson CountyNorth America; USA; South Dakota; Corson County
ContinentNorth Americanorth america
Localityfloat concs, washed out of banks of Grand River, Bullheadfloat concs, washed out of banks of grand river, bullhead
Decimal Latitude45.76291245.762912
Decimal Longitude-101.07864-101.07864
Georeference Protocoldigital resourcedigital resource
Coordinate Uncertainty In Meters20002000
Geodetic DatumWGS84WGS84
Georeference RemarksGBIF Georeferencing Best Practices.GBIF Georeferencing Best Practices.
Georeferenced ByJessica UtrupJessica Utrup
Georeferenced Date2022-03-182022-03-18
Paleo Context
FieldOriginalInterpreted What does this mean?
MemberTrail City Mbrtrail city mbr
FormationFox Hills Fmfox hills fm
Earliest Period Or Lowest SystemLate Cretaceouslate cretaceous
Earliest Age Or Lowest StageMaastrichtianmaastrichtian
FieldOriginalInterpreted What does this mean?
dwc:datasetID16cfd67d6-4f9b-400b-8549-1933ac27936f Interpreted
dcterms:bibliographicCitationProtocardia sp. (YPM IP 595543)Protocardia sp. (YPM IP 595543)
dcterms:rightsHolderYale Peabody MuseumYale Peabody Museum
dwc:dynamicProperties{ "irn": "1731183", "media": "526822:ab3329b4-c831-4c03-9606-b1cdc0371324", "mm_repository_id": "526822", "solr_long_lat": "-101.07864,45.762912", "related_record_types": "", "related_record_links": "YPM-IP-595261", "NSF_TCN": "WIS" }{ "irn": "1731183", "media": "526822:ab3329b4-c831-4c03-9606-b1cdc0371324", "mm_repository_id": "526822", "solr_long_lat": "-101.07864,45.762912", "related_record_types": "", "related_record_links": "YPM-IP-595261", "NSF_TCN": "WIS" }
dwc:dispositionin collectionin collection
dcterms:accessRightsOpen Access, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/; see Yale Peabody policies at: http://hdl.handle.net/10079/8931zqjOpen Access, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/; see Yale Peabody policies at: http://hdl.handle.net/10079/8931zqj
specimen list