Arctos Open Office Hours

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Title: Arctos Open Office Hours

Date: Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Time: 3pm ET


Presenter/s: Moderator-Michelle Koo (GIS & Biodiversity Informatics Curator, MVZ), Aides-Carol Spencer (Herpetology Collections Manager, MVZ), Carla Cicero (Ornithology Collections Manager, MVZ), Angela Linn (Senior Collections Manager, Ethnology & History, UAM)


Arctos is both a community and a collection management information system. It provides fundamental research infrastructure for biodiversity data and is intended for curators, collection managers, investigators, educators, and anyone interested in natural and cultural history. Over 3 million records are publicly available from 20+ collaborating institutions.

We are holding Open Office Hours this week! Please join us with your questions on how best to use Arctos, either as a curatorial user or a researcher. Or just join the conversation; we will review some new features of our Handbook and Arctos so we hope that everyone will learn something new and useful. If you do have a specific question (no dumb ones!), please add to this Google Doc so we can organize the initial set of issues and be sure we tap the right experts for answers.

Start Date: 
Tuesday, June 12, 2018 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm EDT
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