UPDATE: If you missed this webinar or would like to hear it again you can access the material via the recording http://idigbio.adobeconnect.com/p893lqq26wj/.
Abstract: VertNet mobilizes biodiversity data (not just vertebrates) for a broad spectrum of natural history collections. Part of VertNet's mission is to help data publishers in every way we can. One way to help is to set up, demonstrate, and use a common centralized reporting mechanism that makes it easy for data publishers to receive and manage feedback about their published data.
GitHub provides all of the necessary infrastructure to do this for free, including version control for files, issue tracking, email integration, and an Application Programming Interface (API). We will discuss and demonstrate how VertNet uses each of these aspects of GitHub to capture and manage user feedback, usage statistics, and bulk data quality reports.
Presenters: John Wieczorek - Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, UC Berkeley
Laura Russell - University of Kansas Biodiversity Institute
Dave Bloom - Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, UC Berkeley
Where: http://idigbio.adobeconnect.com/datamgmt
When: Thursday 23 April 2015 from 4 to 5 PM EDT
Ready to learn more about it:
- VertNet - http://vertnet.org
- VertNet data portal - http://portal.vertnet.org
- VertNet data publishers - http://portal.vertnet.org/publishers
- VertNet detail page with feedback link - http://portal.vertnet.org/o/rom/birds?id=01-10-1-162
- GitHub - https://github.com
- VertNet Github Guide for data publishers - http://vertnet.org/resources/issuetrackingguide.html
- Github issue tracker for KU collections - https://github.com/ku-vertnet
- Github statistics reporting page for MVZ Bird collection - https://github.com/mvz-vertnet/mvz-bird/tree/master/reports
- Github Data Quality reporting page for ROM Mammal collection - https://github.com/rom-vertnet/mammalogyspecimens/tree/master/DataQualityReports
This Webinar brought to you by VertNet and the iDigBio Data Management Interest and Cyberinfrastructure Working Groups.