WEBINAR: Building the Small Collections Network: A Model from ECN

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Building the Small Collections Network: A Model from ECN

Presenter/discussion leader: Katja Seltmann, American Museum of Natural History, Immediate Past President of Entomology Collections Network and Pam Horsley, American Museum of Natural History and lead organizer of the annual Entomological Collections Network meeting.

Date/time: 21 April 2014, 3:00 p.m. EDT

The Entomology Collections Network (ECN) is an excellent example of combining community interest, need, and collaboration to create an important resource for collections professionals. Founded to support the mutual needs of those who manage and digitize entomology collections, its history and success provide an excellent model for connecting small collections of all types and for growing SCNet into a communitywide resource. Katja will outline the development and organization of ECN, followed by discussion on how SCNet might benefit from the ECN model. 

Meetings are virtual and accessible online at https://idigbio.adobeconnect.com/scnet. No special software outside of an internet browser is required to access the virtual meeting room.

For more information about this webinar, please visit: http://scnet.acis.ufl.edu/content/building-small-collections-network-model-ecn

For more information on SCNet's webinar series, please visit: http://scnet.acis.ufl.edu/content/introduction-scnets-webinar-series

Start Date: 
Monday, April 21, 2014 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm EDT
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