UF Software Carpentry Spring 2018 Workshop

The UF Carpentries Club, Informatics Institute, Biodiversity Institute, and Marston Science Library are combining to offer a two day Software Carpentry Workshop, Monday-Tuesday, January 22-23, 2018, to help the UF community get started learning R and common software development tools such as the Unix shell, SQL, and Git. Need to learn some programming for a class? Have data you’re scared to work with in Excel? Want to collaborate effectively with your peers? We were there once too. Come start learning with us.

Our instructors are trained by the Carpentries in evidence-based pedagogy and our materials have been developed collaboratively over years by dozens of contributors. The Informatics Institute and Biodiversity Institute have generously volunteered space and resources for this workshop in order to advance the skillset of the UF community. The organizers, instructors, and helpers are volunteering their time to help UF, and you!

You can learn more about the Workshop and Software Carpentry at https://uf-carpentry.github.io/2018-01-22-UFII/.

Seats are limited to 24 and there is a $46 registration fee, payable by credit card, which will include lunch on both days. Please let us know if you need a vegetarian, gluten-free, or vegan meal on the registration form.

Registration is required. Please plan to attend the entire two days.

Click below to register.


If registration is full, you can be added to the Waitlist for the next scheduled workshop. Contact Matt Collins to have your name added to the list.

Contact: Please email Matthew Collins at mcollins@acis.ufl.edu for more information.

Informatics Institute (UFII) & Biodiversity Institute (UFBI)
Room E251 CSE (Computer Science & Engineering Building)
432 Newell Drive
Gainesville, FL 32611