iDigBio provides an easy way to view iDigBio events on your computer's or mobile device's calendar. Choose the appropriate iCal file below and then subscribe or import it into your calendar. A few links have been provided to help you along your way.
Available iDigBio iCal Files:
- ALL iDigBio Events (all meetings, workshops, webinars, holidays, and other uncatecorized events): webcal://
- iDigBio Meetings ONLY: webcal://
- iDigBio Workshops ONLY: webcal://
- iDigBio Webinars ONLY: webcal://
- Specific event: Click the
logo at the top of the event to download the ics file.
How to work with iCal files:
- webcal URI scheme
- If your device give you an error (or strange message) when clicking the webcal links above, you can resolve this with a few steps: right-click the iCal logo or link, copy the link address, and then paste the address into a new browser tab except replace "webcal://" with "https://".
- Subscribe vs. Import
- Import: This method places a one-time snapshot of the events into your calendar. Note that your calendar will NOT altomatically refresh these events (even if they are updated online). When you import events, they will show your availability as Busy.
- Subscribe: This method connects your calendar to the online calendar. Changes to the online calendar will be reflected in your calendar during automatic periodic refreshes. However, subscribed calendars will show your availability as Free.
- Outlook:
- Google:
- Apple: