Specimens Full Circle SPNHC 2015: Day1 second afternoon session, ballroom b

3:30-3:50 Taxonomic concept resolution for voucher-based biodiversity information platforms- Nico Franz, Bertram Ludaescher, Edward Gilbert, Alan Weakley

3:50-4:10 An Update on the Notes From Nature Project: Bringing A Proof Of Concept Into Full Production- Robert Guralnick, Michael W. Denslow

4:10-4:30 Specimen label digitization using OCR/NLP tools integrated within the Symbiota processing toolkit- Ed Gilbert, et al

4:30-4:50 The Processes, End Uses and Unexpected Bonuses of High Resolution Imaging of Entomology Collection Items- Peter Lillywhite

4:50 - 5:10 Mobilizing Fossils for Global Change Research- P. A. Holroyd & C. R. Marshall

       5:10 - 5:30 Open Discussion Session            

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