Museum of Texas Tech University, Natural Science Research Laboratory, Robert J. Baker Genetic Resources Collection

TitleMuseum of Texas Tech University, Natural Science Research Laboratory, Robert J. Baker Genetic Resources Collection
Publication TypeWebsite
Year of Publication2019
Keywords-20C, -80C, buffer, centralized repository, DNA bank, ethanol, frozen tissue collection, genetic resources, herpetology, invertebrates, liquid nitrogen, mammalogy, nucleic acid extracts, ornithology, ultra-cold collection, vertebrates
AbstractThe Museum of Texas Tech University's Robert J. Baker Genetic Resources Collection is a biological archive of more than 411,000 samples taken from more than 100,000 individuals of predominantly mammals, but also some birds, reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates. The collection is world-wide in scope with especially strong mammalian holdings from the southwestern United States, Mexico, Central and South America, the Ukraine, and Malaysia. The majority of the collection is comprised of frozen samples archived in vapor-phase liquid nitrogen freezers. The collection also contains non-frozen samples in ethanol, lysis buffer, and DNA stored at -20°C.