Field to Database Day 1: 8:30am- 10:00am

TitleField to Database Day 1: 8:30am- 10:00am
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference2015
KeywordsField to Database
Full Text

8:30- 8:50am  Welcome and Introduction to iDigBio- Deb Paul, Pam Soltis 

8:50-9:10am Why a Field-to-Database Biodiversity Informatics Workshop? R_files_modeling- Charlotte Germain-Aubrey 

9:10-9:30am   Let's go to the field! Where the best places are wet, isolated, and withoutinternet. A story of the trials of typical fieldwork.- Emilio Bruna 

9:30 - 9:40am  How to prioritize where you collect? How do you plan a collecting trip? What kind of resources do you bring in the field?- Grant Godden

9:40 - 10:00am  Field templates, workflow, and planning ahead for better results.-  Andrew Short

10:00 - 10:10am  Collecting RNA, DNA & flower color. Lessons from a recent field trip.- Grant Godden