Day 1:Workflows Herbarium Digitization 8:30am-10:15am

8:30-8:45 a.m. Welcome Workshop overview, organization and potential outcomes- Gil Nelson

8:45-8:55 a.m. Introduction to IDigBio Using digital images and data in botanical research- Pam Soltis

8:55-9:10 a.m. Introduction to SERNEC- Zack Murrell

9:15-9:25 a.m. iDigBio's flat sheets and packets working group workflows- Gil Nelson

9:25- 9:9:35New York Botanical Garden workflows, including Titrophic and Macrofungi TCNs-Kim Watson

9:35-9:45 a.m. Pacific Northwest herbarium consortium workflows- Ben Legler

9:45-9:55 a.m. California Consortium of Herbaria workflows- Lisa Wallace

10:05-10:15 Deep South Plant Specimen Imaging Project workflows- Austin Mast

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