Data Carpentry: one comprehensive model for teaching biodiversity informatics data management, research skills, and training instructors

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Talk Title: Data Carpentry: one comprehensive model for teaching biodiversity informatics data management, research skills, and training instructors Authors: Deborah Paul, Tracy K Teal, Matt Collins

Abstract: In this Biodiversity Information Standards (BIS) TDWG workshop: Biodiversity Data Mobilization Models, we would like to share one model we have found very useful at iDigBio ( Our stakeholders are often eager to learn new skills they need to keep up with managing every larger natural history specimen collections and related data sets. Researchers are also looking for ways to enhance their research and data visualization skills to generate reproducible research data using our data sets.

We have incorporated the Data Carpentry ( (DC) model and materials in over six of our workshops to date. In this short talk and demo session, you’ll learn how you can get started using this framework to enhance your workforce-training initiatives. Come and find out more about where Data Carpentry came from, what a DC workshop is like, how you can become a DC instructor, the DC code of conduct, experience a small bit of one DC lesson, and learn more about where DC is headed.

Where: Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) Conference 2015

In BIS (TDWG) 2015 Workshop W04 - Biodiversity Data Mobilization Models

Building: Windsor Hotel
Room: Oak Room
Date: Tuesday, 2015-09-29 03:00 PM – 03:30 PM (Nairobi time)

Presenter: Matt Collins*

Start Date: 
Tuesday, September 29, 2015 - 8:00am to 8:30am EDT
BIS (TDWG) 2015, Nairobi, Kenya