Capturing community expertise: Virtual SPNHC wiki edit-a-thon

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Do you regularly respond to posts on NHColl because you have expertise in a specific area that others frequently have questions about? Do you find yourself posting to NHColl because you aren’t sure where to find answers to your collections management questions? Are you interested in promoting best practices within our community?

Please join the SPNHC Best Practices Committee and iDigBio for a virtual work party, Capturing community expertise: Virtual SPNHC wiki edit-a-thon, on Thursday, November 10th from 10am - 1pm Eastern Time (see your local time here)!

This is a collaborative event hosted by iDigBio and the SPNHC Best Practices Committee with the aim to improve and expand SPNHC wiki content ( Following a brief training, attendees will participate in formatting and uploading pre-generated content, filling information gaps on existing wiki pages, and/or generating new page content. We welcome participants from all disciplines, roles, and experience levels. Throughout the workshop, attendees can expect to work independently or collaboratively on assigned content or on topic(s) of their choosing. Whether you’re a regular contributor to the SPNHC wiki, or have never heard of it before, this event is a great opportunity to learn more and get involved in curating collections management knowledge within our community!

Register (free) via Zoom at, and see for more information including an agenda and a list of edit-a-thon priority content areas.
Start Date: 
Thursday, November 10, 2022 - 10:00am to 1:00pm EST
Recording policy: 
By attending iDigBio’s online events, you accept that the event will be recorded and posted for later asynchronous viewing.
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