iDigBio Bibliography

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Accessing Digital Collections Data Sources For Research – A Tour of iDigBio Data Services, Collins, Matthew, and Paul Deborah L. , Island Biology 2016, 06/2016, Terceira Island, Azores, (2016)
Biological Collections Data: best practices and trends for standards, digitization, and biodiversity informatics literacy for research use of collections data, Paul, Deborah L., and Seltmann Katja C. , Island Biology 2016, 06/2016, Terceira Island, Azores, (2016)
DataONE webinar: Assuring the quality of your data: A natural history collection community perspective, Paul, Deborah L., Seltmann Katja C., Russell Laura, and Bloom David , (2016)
A global survey of natural history collections, Paul, Deborah L., Masinde Siro, Ellis Shari, Krishtalka Leonard, Thiers Barbara M., Ganglo Jean, Dalcin Eduardo, and Nakae Masanori , Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections 31st Annual Meeting, 06/2016, Berlin, Germany, (2016)
iDigBio at Cisco Pit Stop: Digitising the Natural History Museum’s collections, Paul, Deborah L., and Riccardi Gregory , (2016)
Integrated Digitized Biocollections (iDigBio): mobilizing natural history collections for understanding island biodiversity, James, Shelley A., Paul Deborah L., Collins Matthew, and Nelson Gil , Island Biology 2016, 07/2016, Terceira Island, Azores, (2016)
Museum and Collections Biodiversity Informatics: meeting skills needs for creating, sharing, and using the digital relatives of museum specimens, Paul, Deborah L., Collins Matthew, Livermore Laurence, and Koureas Dimitrios , Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections 31st Annual Meeting, 06/2016, Berlin, Germany, (2016)
