Drawer Imaging Group
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International Whole-Drawer Digitization Interest Group
This page is devoted to resources and discussion for whole-drawer and bulk imaging of dried, pinned insect collection drawers and related bulk specimen containers. The interest group schedules regular discussion sessions via Adobe Connect for the purpose of sharing techniques, strategies, uses, improvements, and technology associated with producing a single image of an entire insect drawer. Resources, related documents, and discussion notes are stored below.
Interest Group Members
- Nicole Fisher (co-coordinator), Australian National Insect Collection
- Gil Nelson (co-coordinator), iDigBio
- Matthew Buffington, Systematic Entomology Laboratory, National Museum of Natural History
- Vladimir Blagoderov, Natural History Museum
- Andy Deans, Frost Entomological Museum at Penn State
- Chris Dietrich, Illinois Natural History Survey
- David Raila, University of Illinois, Computer Sciences
- Paul Flemons, Australian Museum
- Jeff Holland, Purdue
- Roy Larimer, Visionary Digital
- Joanna McCaffrey, iDigBio
- Joost van Leusen, Naturalis Biodiversity Center
- Stefan Schmidt, Zoologische Staatssammlung München
- Bernhard Schurian, Museum fuer Naturkunde Berlin
- Jennifer Thomas, University of Kansas, Biodiversity Institute, Entomology
- Geoff Thompson, Queensland Museum
- Gretchen Wilbrandt, University of Minnesota
- Jennifer Zaspel, Purdue
- Ann Molineux, The University of Texas at Austin
Collaborative Notes and Interest Group Documents
Presentations (PDFs and links)
- Collections Digitization at Naturalis Biodiversity Center (Joost van Leusen)
- Drawer Registration Project, Naturalis Bioidiversity Center (Joost van Leusen)
- Geologystreet, Naturalis Biodiversity Center (Joost van Leusen)
- MetaData Creator software (Vimeo)
- InvertNet Robotic Whole-drawer imaging project, Chris Dietrich & David Raila
- Whole-drawer digitization-Paleontology collections, Ann Molineux
Relevant Papers
- Results and insights from the NCSU Insect Museum GigaPan project, Bertone, et al.
- Whole-drawer imaging for digital management and curation of a large entomological collection, Mantle, et al.
- InvertNet: a new paradigm for digital access to invertebrate collections, Dietrich, et al.
- DScan – a high-performance digital scanning system for entomological collections, Schmidt, et al.
- Digitaliseren van de entomologische collecties van Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leusen, et. al
- Digitization of the entomological collections of Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leusen paper referenced above, translated to English
- Guide to digitising whole drawers of specimens by Bryan Kalms
Relevant Links
- Drawer Digitization Project - Hymenoptera (Zoologische Staatssammlung in Munich)
- Drawer Digitisation Project - Hymenoptera (United States National Museum)
- Whole drawer scanning at the NCSU Insect Museum
- Some of the members at the second meeting
- Crowd Sourcing project for glass slides at Naturalis Biodiversity Center (Google Chrome translates the site nicely)