ADBC Summit 2018

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Digitizing the Past and Present for the Future
ADBC Summit VIII Quick Links
Calendar Announcement
Registration Form
General Information

Join the leading researchers and professionals striving to digitize our nation's Natural History Collections! The annual ADBC Summit brings together representatives from TCNs, PENs, NSF, iDigBio, and other initiatives related to the U.S. National Science Foundation’s Advancing Digitization of Biodiversity Collections (ADBC) program. The Summit inspires collaboration and focuses discussions on shared goals, challenges, and opportunities.

General Information

Maps & Dining Information

Area Information

Ground Transportation Options

Special Accommodations

  • Nursing mothers needing accommodations should contact Shari Ellis at for assistance.
  • Individuals needing assistance with ground transportation from the Hilton to the Cultural Plaza should speak with Hilton front desk staff.

Wireless Service

Wireless access for onsite iDigBio participants is provided by the University of Florida. Refer to iDigBio's Wireless Network Service wiki page for more information on how to connect.

Remote Access

To the extent possible, the Summit sessions will be broadcast and recorded using Adobe Connect. If you wish to listen to the meeting remotely:

  1. First, read the iDigBio Web Conferencing wiki page to get you started.
  2. Connect to the meeting:
    • Navigate to:
    • Choose Enter as Guest
    • In the box provided, please type your First Name, Surname, and Affiliation in this format: Allie Gator (UF)
    • Click Enter Room


  • We plan to print and distribute a condensed program at the Summit. Please consider the environment if printing this schedule.
  • Open meeting space is available in the Summit rooms when not in session.
  • The McGuire Director's Conference Room will remain an open meeting space throughout the Summit.

Monday, October 1, 2018 -- Orientation and Pre-Summit Meetings

Time Powell Classroom (Front) Powell Classroom (Middle) McGuire Classroom McGuire Director's Conference Room
7:00-9:00 Breakfast on your own
9:00-11:00 Orientation to ADBC

Join us for an orientation session presented by the iDigBio core team. Everyone is welcome! Come to learn, to refresh, and to meet your fellow digitizers! We will cover topics including:

  1. What ADBC and iDigBio are about, the acronyms, the scope
  2. How you can get involved by participating in interest and working groups, community surveys, and useful website content
  3. How to get specimen data to us, the first time and with every update
  4. Ways to interact with us - listservs, meet the staff
  5. Forum for suggestions to make all of this better
iDigBio-GBIF-ALA MeetingClosed Session
11:00-12:30 Lunch on your own
12:30-4:30 TCN Kickoff Meeting - Endless Forms TCN Kickoff Meeting - Pteridological Collections Consortium TCN Kickoff Meeting - California Phenology iDigBio External Advisory BoardClosed Session
12:30-1:30 EAB pre-meeting
1:30-3:00 EAB meeting with iDigBio
3:00-4:30 Working time for EAB
5:00 Adjourn
6:30-9:30 Informal welcome and meet & greet with iDigBio staffNo Name Lounge inside the Hilton

Tuesday, October 2, 2018 -- Summit Day 1

Time Harn Galleria Harn Chandler Auditorium Harn Classroom 1 Harn Classroom 2 Powell Classroom McGuire Classroom McGuire Director's Conference Room
7:00-9:00 Breakfast on your own
8:15-9:00 Arrival, Summit check-in, coffee, networking Not available Not available
9:00-10:15 Plenary Session I
Opening & Welcome
9:00-9:15 Opening & Welcome Larry Page
9:15-9:30 Logistics David Jennings
9:30-9:45 ADBC Program Update Reed Beaman
New TCN Introductions
9:45-10:00 Capturing California's Flowers Jenn Yost
10:00-10:15 Pteridological Collections Consortium Carl Rothfels
10:15-10:30 Endless Forms Matthew Pace
Not available Not available
10:30-11:00 Morning Break (provided) Not available Not available
11:00-12:00 Plenary Session II
Fossilized TCNs
11:00-11:15 Paleoniches & Cretaceous World Bruce Lieberman
11:15-11:25 Fossil Insect Collaborative Erica Krimmel
11:25-11:35 Fossil Marine Invertebrates Pat Holroyd
TCNs that Bug People
11:35-11:50 SCAN & LepNet Neil Cobb
11:50-12:00 InvertEBase Rudiger Bieler
Not available Not available
12:00-1:00 Lunch (provided)
1:00-2:20 Plenary Session III
Mutualist TCNs
1:00-1:10 Microfungi Andrew Miller
1:10-1:20 Macroalgae Chris Neefus
TCNs We Dig
1:20-1:30 SERNEC Zack Murrell
1:30-1:40 MAM Cindy Skema
1:40-1:50 SoRo Erin Tripp
TCNs with a Backbone
1:50-2:00 Great Lakes Invasives Ken Cameron
2:00-2:10 oVert David Blackburn
2:10-2:20 Vouchered Animal Communication Michael Webster
2:20-2:50 Afternoon Break (provided)
2:50-4:00 Plenary Session IV
Group Discussion
2:50-3:20 Panel Discussion with Retired TCNs Rich Rabeler
3:20-4:00 Harnessing Natural History Collections Data for Addressing National Challenges Barbara Thiers
4:00-4:30 Day 1 Wrap-UpShari Ellis
4:30 Adjourn
6:30-9:30 Evening at the Florida MuseumPowell Hall
6:30-7:30 Arrival, heavy hors d'oeuvres, cash bar
7:30-7:45 Welcome by Roland Roberts, NSF Program Director and BIO Centers Science Advisor
7:45-8:00 Presentation TBD
8:00-9:30 Museum exhibits open for your enjoyment

Wednesday, October 3, 2018 -- Summit Day 2

Time Harn Galleria Harn Chandler Auditorium Harn Classroom 1 Harn Classroom 2 Powell Classroom McGuire Classroom McGuire Director's Conference Room
7:00-8:45 Breakfast on your own
8:15-8:45 Arrival, coffee, networking Not available Not available Biotic Associations: Informal Open Session I

The primary purpose of the meeting is to discuss how existing species interaction datasets are structured and how to increase our ability to generate aggregate datasets and examine networks of interactions. The ADBC program has promoted the mobilization of tens of millions of specimen-level data in natural history collections in the United States and many of these datasets contain rich species interaction data. During the first meeting Jorrit Poelen (Global Biotic Interactions, GloBI) and Katja Seltmann (UC Santa Barbara, Parasite Tracker) will present a recent Vampire Moth (Calyptra) interaction data use case, setting the stage for open discussion that will likely carry through the second meeting. We encourage participants to submit interaction datasets before the meeting so that they can be discussed as use cases. You can describe, point to, or share, your datasets by opening a new issue via . You can also see how GitHub issues are used to openly discuss how to share specific existing biotic association datasets.

8:45-10:20 Plenary Session V
8:45-9:00 Logistics David Jennings
Evolving Relationships
9:00-9:20 GBIO, GBIC2, and GBIF Donald Hobern
9:20-9:40 Activities at the Atlas of Living Australia Hamish Holewa
9:40-10:00 Sustaining the ADBC Initiative Gil Nelson
10:00-10:20 UF/FLMNH Commitment to the Sustainability of iDigBio Doug Jones
Not available Not available
10:20-10:45 Morning Break (provided) Not available Not available Biotic Associations: Informal Open Session II

The primary purpose of the meeting is to discuss how existing species interaction datasets are structured and how to increase our ability to generate aggregate datasets and examine networks of interactions.

10:45-12:00 Concurrent Session I
Demos & Innovations IMatt Collins
PhyloLink Joe Miller
Light Box Design Cindy Skema
iDigBio API Richard Garand
Symbiota2 OverviewNeil Cobb

This first session will cover upcoming software developments and outreach plans for the Symbiota NSF-ABI project.

Symbiota - Part 1 Curtis Dyreson Virtual
Symbiota - Part 2 Ben Brandt Virtual
Phylogeny and Phenology Plugin Will Pearse Virtual
Mobilizing data in developing countries: Pakistan & Somaliland Mary Barkworth Virtual
Technical Support and Outreach Neil Cobb & Lindsie McCabe In-person
Fieldguide Andre Poremski Virtual
Specify Collections Consortium IJim Beach Communicating ScienceNatasza Fontaine & Austin Mast Challenges in Research Use of DataPam Soltis
12:00-1:00 Lunch (provided)
1:00-2:15 Concurrent Session II
Demos & Innovations IIMatt Collins
ADBC Education Resources Molly Phillips
BiotaPhy web platform Pam Soltis
Analytical tools Pam Soltis
Symbiota Portals & Software ToolsNeil Cobb

This second session will feature presentations on new efforts to expand TCN portals and the creation of synthetic Symbiota portals. It will also include new developments for projects that integrate with Symbiota (e.g., GeoLocate).

Biotic Associations: GLoBI Jorrit Poelen In-person
PhyloLink Joe Miller In-person
Geolocate Nelson Rios In-person
GenBank linkage Andrew Miller In-person
Creating a multi-phyla Symbiota portal for U of Wisconsin collections Laura Prado In-person
Developing a Global Mycology Portal Scott Bates In-person
Specify Collections Consortium IIJim Beach Communicating with AdministratorsGil Nelson & David Jennings Innovation & UnconferenceDeborah Paul

Bring your inspirations from recent experiences, conversations. and presentations at ADBC Summit 8 to this breakout. We will gather ideas and find others with innovative ideas and expertise to share. An unconference gives you the chance to design your own breakout and bring timely topics that are on your mind - to a larger group.

2:15-2:45 Afternoon Break (provided) Afternoon Break (provided)
2:45-4:00 Concurrent Session III
Building Institutional Digitization SynergyKevin Love, Deborah Paul, & Larry Page

Data mobilization doesn’t (have to) stop when digitization is complete or grant funds have been exhausted. In this discussion group, we will explore how efforts, like a local digitization committee or leveraging institutional resources and policy, can inspire data mobilization across your collaborators' institutions.

GeoreferencingAndrew Miller & Michael Denslow Data Quality FeedbackRichard Garand & Deborah Paul

Quality data is essential as a foundation for analytical, synthetic, and AI research. Anyone providing data to an aggregator or downloading data from an aggregator can make use of the data quality feedback offered. If you use this information, we would like to hear about how you use it (or not) and ways in which all of us can work on improving data quality (dq). From researcher, policy maker, graduate student, collection manager, curator, educator, and museum director, we all have a role to play. We also plan to share some of what we learned from a recent survey and symposium at SPNHC-TDWGNZ -- on this topic. And, we'll share some ideas for possible future changes to dq feedback from iDigBio as well as recent progress from the TDWG Data Quality Interest Group and iDigBio implementation plans.

Broadening ParticipationMolly Phillips & Kari Jordan
4:10-4:30 Summit Wrap-UpDavid Jennings
4:30 Adjourn

Thursday, October 4, 2018 -- Optional Post-Summit Activities

Option Activity
1 One-day R Workshop

The UF Carpentries Club is offering a one day workshop to help the UF community get started learning R. Need to learn some programming for a class? Have data you're scared to work with in Excel? Want to collaborate effectively with your peers? We were there once too. Come start learning with us. Space is limited to 24 participants for this workshop and registration is required. A fee of $23.00 will be charged and lunch will be provided. Please plan on attending the entire time. Details and registration are on the workshop web site:

2 Field Trip to Sweetwater Wetlands Park

Details TBD

3 Collection Tours

Details TBD

4 Self-Guided Activities

Report and Evaluation


Recorded Proceedings