Talk:Digitization Resources

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2/24/2015 Adania
The old digitization page has been replaced with Option 6 of the template pages. The syntax is the same format and workshops can be added to the upcoming table (as a new row). See below for details

To add a workshop, simply add a row to the table! (|- style="vertical-align:top;") The row should contain two cells

The information on the page has been reorganized in reverse chronological order. There are 6 trial pages at the end of the page portraying some of the ideas expressed below!

My thoughts for organizing the digitization page as Wiki's and Reports start engulfing the page:

  • Would it be wise to create a table where Workshop Reports are placed next to Workshop Wikis? Trial Page Option 1.
  • Would it be easier to follow/find information if Reports e.g. 2014 are placed after Workshop Wikis e.g 2014 on the page? Trial Page Option 2.
  • Would it be wise to simply have a link to the workshop summaries page vs having the wiki's and reports on the digitization page? (The workshop Summaries page is currently being updated and uniformly structured) Trial Page Option 3.
  • Would it be wise to create a COLLAPSIBLE table where Workshop Reports are placed next to Workshop Wikis? This creates less scrolling than trial page 1? Trial Page Option 4.
  • Would it be wise to create a COLLAPSIBLE table where Workshop Reports are placed next to Workshop Wikis, where you can view a couple of the entries, supposedly upcoming? This creates less scrolling than trial page 1? Trial Page Option 5. (to be created)
  • Assuming that number 1, 2, 5-18 are fairly constant material on the digitization page, would it be wise to create a table/infobox (usually on the left of most Wikipedia pages), which would highlight this main information, hence taking it out of the wiki and report clutter?
  • Would it be wise in addition to the COLLAPSIBLE table to have numbers 5-18 grouped into the five + clusters? This creates less scrolling than trial page 1 and 4? Trial Page Option 6. (created 09/30)
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