TORCH TCN Workshop

General Information -- Note: This workshop has been suspended until further notice due to the Coronavirus outbreak.

When: March 28-29, 2020 (Travel: March 27rd & 29th)
Where: Botanical Research Institute of Texas (BRIT); Fort Worth, TX
Organizers: Peter Fritsch (BRIT), Mark Fishbein (Oklahoma State University), George Yatskievych (University of Texas), Daniel Spalink (Texas A&M University), Abigail Moore (University of Oklahoma), Diego Barroso (BRIT), Jason Best (BRIT), Tiana Rehman (BRIT), Jill Goodwin (iDigBio), Gil Nelson (iDigBio)
Expected number of participants: 50


This invited 1.5-day iDigBio sponsored workshop will bring together an array of scientists and others that are either part of the TORCH project or are generally interested in digitization and the project’s goals. Participants will include the TORCH TCN PIs; Institutional Coordinators and collections managers that serve as point-personnel for TORCH TCN digitization at their respective institutions; representatives from other TORCH TCN partners that will contribute their specimens to the project; partners representing Notes from Nature, software developers and data managers; interested students; and program coordinators of plant enthusiast and nature societies in the states of Oklahoma and Texas.

The goals of the workshop will be to 1) review all steps for imaging, including image box setup, methods, and workflows; 2) review transcription and georeferencing, including the creation of expeditions in Notes from Nature and working in the NfN environment; 3) overview data management and dissemination; 4) discuss outreach planning for a) partnering with plant enthusiast society partners, including a mock transcription blitz, b) addressing the student intern program, and c) planning enrichment lectures; 5) discuss reporting functions; and 6) review and present progress on technical innovations designed to accelerate the data mobilization process.

Logistic Information

Airport:Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport
Airport transportation: hotel shuttle, taxi, uber, lyft
Workshop hotel:
Workshop venue: BRIT
Invited participant support: Mileage or flight and per diem expenses reimbursed. Lodging reservations will be made for you and will be paid for via direct billing.


Details of agenda will be updated and finalized at a later point, however we anticipate using the format below.

March 28
8:00-8:30 Check in, coffee
8:30-10:15 Speakers
10:15-10:30 Break
10:30-12:30 Speakers
12:30-1:30 Lunch (provided)
1:30-3:30 Speakers
3:30-3:45 Break
3:45-5:00 Gather concluding perspectives/ Wrap up
March 29
8:00-8:30 Coffee
8:30-10:15 Speakers
10:15-10:30 Break
10:30-12:30 Gather concluding perspectives/ Wrap up

Workshop Resources


Holiday Inn Express hotel on Lancaster