Summit 2014

Revision as of 10:19, 28 October 2014 by Djennings (talk | contribs)

This wiki provides resources for iDigBio's fourth annual Summit held at the University of Florida, October 27-28, 2014. The Summit is a meeting of representatives from TCNs, iDigBio, and other initiatives related to the Advancing Digitization of Biodiversity Collections (ADBC) program. The Summit focuses on discussion of shared goals, challenges, opportunities, and collaboration.

Agenda, Logistics, and Other Information

Remote Access

To the extent possible, the Summit sessions will be broadcast and recorded using Adobe Connect. The meeting hosts will monitor the chat to address any questions or concerns.

Remote participants are encouraged to visit the iDigBio Web Conferencing Wiki and view the Adobe Connect Quick Start Guide.

Discussion Notes


Coming soon after the Summit is complete.


Coming soon after the Summit is complete.


Day1 9am-10:30am
Day1 10:45am-12:30pm

Planning Team